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> Running after eating – how long should you wait before training?

Running after eating – how long should you wait before training?

Publish date 14.10.2022

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Running after a meal

The title of this article is sure to make those runners who run in the morning on an empty stomach skin crawl. Some people can’t imagine running after a meal. But others will not move from home without even a small snack or meal. Moreover, many people choose the afternoon time to run rather than the morning. All because they prefer that time of day or simply don’t have time after they wake up. 

When it comes to running after a meal, timing is important – that is, how long to wait after eating to run. In this article, I will answer this question and tell you what running after eating entails. 

Running after eating – breakfast

If you eat breakfast before running then you must prepare to get out of bed at least 1 hour before training. Only after this time will your body begin to digest food and obtain the energy needed for the workout. 

If you thought that 30 minutes is enough, you are wrong. 30 minutes is enough to rouse the body and get out of the house for a workout. The situation is different when you need to eat breakfast. 

Keep in mind that your breakfast must not be heavy so that you can run freely and comfortably and enjoy your workout. 

When it comes to breakfast, after meals such as: 

  • a sandwich with honey, 
  • a peanut butter sandwich,
  • a banana, 
  • an energy bar, 
  • oatmeal,
  • millet flakes. 

These meals will give you energy for running. What’s more, the most important thing is that they will not burden your stomach. What will make you happy is that after such a meal you can already go running after 30-60 minutes. 

Scrambled eggs for breakfast?

Scrambled eggs before running is a bad idea. Many people prepare this very dish in the morning, but it will be the nail in the runner’s coffin. 

Why? Because although it is filling it takes a long time to digest, and worst of all it is low in carbohydrates. You will have to wait about 2 hours until you start running. 

What if you still don’t have energy after digesting a meal?

Sometimes it is the case that even after eating a meal you still do not have the energy to go out and run. This doesn’t mean you have to give up your workout. All you have to do is eat a small but caloric sweet snack. 

Such a small snack is sure to give you the energy you need – consume it up to 30 minutes before your workout

It’s also a good idea to have such a small snack with you when you know your run will last longer than an hour. If you feel tired, reach for an energy bar or chocolate bar and….charge yourself!

Eating before running - energy bar

How long to wait to run after eating a big meal?

If you are not a fan of running in the morning or simply don’t have time for it and choose to train in the evening after lunch then you need to know that… how long should you wait to run after eating depends on what you eat and in what quantities. 

If you eat a heavy and stodgy dinner then you will have to wait longer than if you eat a light dinner. 

Why should you wait? The issue is the same as with breakfast. Your stomach has to start digesting the food and then acquire the energy you will need during your run. 

Do you eat a light lunch? If so, you’ll have to wait for 2 hours, and then you’re ready to go for an afternoon run. 

Have you eaten a high-calorie and heavy dinner? Wait about 3 hours. This is the case when 

Running on an empty stomach vs running after eating 

There is no good answer. It all depends on you. Some people can’t imagine running in the morning after a meal. While other runners won’t leave home without breakfast. 

It all depends on the body. One person may not eat, while another will have no energy, will be weak and dizzy – may even faint. 

Frankly speaking, running on an empty stomach is not a good idea. Some people do it because they will supposedly burn more calories, which is not true. Moreover, the body without food has no energy. Therefore, it is best to eat even a small snack such as a carbohydrate bar or banana. 

Running after eating – avoid cramps while running 

If you think about running after eating then you probably also have cramps or so-called stitches. That’s why it’s important to wait after a meal and then to run after eating to avoid it. Of course, even if you follow all the rules it can occur. Stitch happens even to the most experienced runners. If you want to learn how to avoid it and how to deal with it, click HERE

In addition, to avoid cramps drink water every 20 minutes during your workout. When it comes to stitches and cramps – avoid food that has a lot of fiber before you go running. 

Stitch after eating and then running

How long to wait after eating to run? – watch your stomach 

It may seem strange to you, but it is the truth. If you are not sure if it is already the right time after a meal to run, pay attention to the size of the upper abdomen. Listen to see if anything is overflowing or burping. Pay attention to your energy level. If you want to go for a run you must not feel heavy. 

If, after eating a solid meal, you feel that nothing is lingering in your stomach or hear any disturbing sounds, you can move on with your workout.

In a nutshell:

  • After a light breakfast, wait about 1 hour.
  • After a big meal, wait about 3 hours.
  • If your meal was hard to digest, wait longer (about 4 hours).
  • Did you feel hungry and eat a small and light carbohydrate snack? Wait 30 minutes.

Now you know how long you should wait to run after eating. This is very important because it will ensure that you have a good, comfortable, and fruitful workout. Wait the right amount of time. Remember, running with a full stomach immediately after a meal is not a good idea. Be patient – it really pays off. 

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