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> What is jogging? Everything you should know

What is jogging? Everything you should know

Publish date 18.01.2023

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Jogging - benefits

Everyone mostly talks about running, but what about jogging? It too can bring a lot of benefits. However, just like running you have to do it well to get the desired results. 

Want to learn all about jogging? You have come to the right place because in this article I will provide you with a lot of information. You will learn not only what jogging is, but also how to train, what the benefits are, what the warm-up should look like, and much more! 

Let’s get started! 

Jogging – the beginning 

The word jogging was already in use in the 16th century. It was even immortalized in one of Shakespeare’s works Taming of the Shrew. However, in this case, it didn’t exactly mean a slow run, but rather “leave.” 

Okay, a brief history lesson behind us, but let’s focus more on the modern years. The word jogging was used for slow recreational running only in the 1960s. This, however, did not happen in Shakespeare’s homeland, but in New Zealand. A club (Auckland Joggers’ Club) of recreational enthusiasts opened there. The founder of this club was Arthur Lydiard, who is credited with popularizing the term. 

However, he is not the one credited with popularizing the sport worldwide. That belongs to Bill Bowerman, who published a book he called Jogging. It became a big hit and encouraged people to practice this physical activity. 

“Why didn’t people jog before?”

That may be ridiculous now, but before the popularization of jogging, slow running and running in general for pleasure was something ridiculous. Running was associated with speed, winning medals, and practicing for major sporting events such as the Olympics. It was inconceivable to anyone that one could do it for pleasure or self-satisfaction. 

Fortunately, thanks to people like Arthur Lydiard and Bill Bowerman, it was possible to show people around the world that jogging is fun. 

The difference between jogging vs running. 

Of course, these two concepts are similar – both involve running, but you can say that they fall under a different subcategory. 

You can probably already come up with one thing yourself that differentiates the two disciplines. It is, of course, the pace of running. When you run, then pace, time, pulse measurement, and many other things matter. You don’t have to worry about such things when you go jogging. 

Running is about constant challenges, improving your performance, and competition. Jogging is not about competition, it’s about having a nice time. Competitions or marathons are not organized for joggers. 

Why? It’s simple – you don’t run for time, you run for pleasure. 

Pace – jogging vs running

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and that jogging is enjoyable. It is considered to run at a pace of no more than 6 minutes per kilometer when jogging. However, this time can be extended, it all depends on what pace is comfortable for you – as I said earlier it is not a discipline where pace and time are important. 

For real runners, certainly, 6 minutes per kilometer will not be satisfactory. Admittedly, at the very beginning of your journey with running you can achieve such results, but you will strive to run better and faster – you will increase your pace to achieve this. People who do jogging don’t think that way. They don’t measure the pace, they run for themselves. 

Who can jog? 

As you already know jogging is a light and pleasant run, you do not need to impose a pace – the only goal is to run comfortably, and freely and not to rush anywhere. Therefore, jogging is for everyone – regardless of age and fitness. 

However, jogging should be avoided by people who have heart disease and joint problems. People who are obese should also refrain from jogging – this type of sport would put too much strain on their joints – it’s best to reduce weight first, and only later think about jogging. 

If you suffer from other chronic diseases and are worried that jogging might affect your health badly, consult your doctor about your concerns. They will tell you if you have anything to worry about or direct you to the right people to help you put together an exercise plan that is ideal for your condition. 

Jogging is out, but do you want to get some movement? Ask your doctor about alternatives – perhaps simple walking or nordic walking would be a better option? 

Jogging at any age
Doesn’t matter how old are you. Even older people can jog without problem.

Jogging – benefits 

Like any sport, jogging has its benefits, which you will find out when you start jogging. 

  • Strong muscles, joints, and bones – with jogging you will be able to strengthen your bones, joints, and muscles. What’s more, you’ll also prevent joint disease. For slightly older people, we have good news, as jogging also prevents muscle atrophy that progresses with age. Want to move back in time and feel like a young God again? Add jogging to your weekly routine.
  • Better heart function – with physical activity, the heart pumps blood better, which translates into better heart function – works more efficiently. Therefore, active people have a lower resting blood pressure than those who don’t do sports. By jogging, you will prevent many diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Improve fitness – don’t have good fitness and want to change it? Instead of starting to run right away and getting tired after just a few hundred meters, choose jogging. It will allow you to improve your fitness. You will be fitter. It may be hard to run a long distance at first, but it will get better with time. Your fitness will go up. 
  • Better physique – you probably think that jogging will not bring the expected results. However, this is not true. Jogging burns about 300-500 kcal in an hour. Thanks to physical activity, you won’t see fat on your love handles, which are often a nuisance. After some time you will see changes in your figure. Not planning to lose weight? Continue jogging so you don’t have to think about it in the future. Also, remember to have a proper diet. Without it, it may be difficult to achieve the desired effect.
  • Better mood – not only will you spend time outdoors, but also during physical activity happy hormones will start to be secreted, which are responsible for improving your mood. You will relax, forget about problems and finally have time for yourself. 
  • Beautiful skin – jogging keeps your skin firm. Why? The tissues are better supplied with blood, and thanks to the strengthened muscles, the body becomes tighter. 
  • Better sleep – if you prefer to jog in the evening, it will be a great way to calm your body before going to bed. This will make it easier for you to fall asleep. 
  • Better morning awakening – do you prefer to do jogging first thing in the morning? Physical activity first thing in the morning will give you a big boost of energy and the desire to do all your chores. 
  • Cancer prevention – According to a study by the American Cancer Society, jogging 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes at a time can help in cancer prevention.

How to start jogging? – 9 steps to proper training  

Before you start jogging, you need to take care of a few things that will make this physical activity a real pleasure. If you don’t do it right, after just a few workouts you will get fed up and won’t go jogging again. To make sure this doesn’t happen, remember a few important points. 

Consult with your doctor 

How to start jogging? Start by seeing your doctor. Although jogging is just a slow and steady run, people who have chronic diseases, heart problems with joints, or are obese will have to give up jogging. That’s why it’s best to go for a consultation before starting training. If jogging is a no, there are sure to be other alternatives that will keep you active.

Buy the right shoes 

For jogging, too, you need the right shoes, which, above all, are comfortable and won’t bruise you. To perform this sport you need shoes:

  • with cushioning – the harder the ground the more cushioning. Your foot needs to be stable in the shoe so that you don’t get injured (yes, even though you can run slowly you can still get injured). 
  • a tacky lug 
  • fitted upper
  • 1 cm larger than the ones you wear every day. 

The best thing is to try shoes on foot before buying them. So choose stationary stores, or first, try them on in the store and then find a good size on the website. 

Choose the right clothing 

  • Underwear – lightweight, seamless, so that it does not press or rub while running.
  • Running shorts – if you are afraid of chafing, choose seamless shorts that will fit your body. If you don’t like such clothes, wear fitted shorts and over them normal, loose shorts. If you don’t have a problem with chafing then regular sports shorts will be perfect. You can also buy leggings. 
  • T-shirt – preferably it should be made of stretchy, breathable material. This will ensure that sweat is wicked away. The best choice will be a T-shirt made of technical material. 
  • Jacket, sweatshirt – when it’s colder outside put on a sweatshirt or jacket to protect you from the cold. 
Jogging - what to wear
The most important – comfortable clothes for jogging with proper shoes.

See how to do jogging correctly technically 

“Jogging is no big deal. It’s like running – you only have to take a step once with one leg and then the other.”

I have to tell you that it doesn’t look like that. Of course, you can do that if you want to expose yourself to injury. How to start jogging? Learn the right posture: 

  • place your foot so that you land on your midfoot, 
  • the silhouette should be straight, 
  • palms open, 
  • arms bent at 90 degrees, along the torso. 
  • breathe with your mouth – the best way to breathe is 3 steps on the exhale and 3 on the inhale.

Eat a meal rich in carbohydrates 

If you prefer to go for a workout in the morning then eat a small snack before going out to give you energy. Prefer to run on an empty stomach? Eat a larger dinner the day before. However, take a snack with you. You may feel weak during your workout, in which case it’s a good idea to eat something. 

Do you prefer physical activity in the evening? Then 3-4 hours before your workout eat a full and balanced meal with a rich dose of complex carbohydrates. 

Remember to hydrate your body 

During the day you should drink 2 liters of water. On the other hand, if it’s hot outside or you’re doing a very intense workout on that day, the number should be higher – 4-5 liters.

If you want to jog first thing in the morning, be sure to drink one glass of water before your workout. After a full night’s sleep, your body will be dehydrated and you need to fill your “tanks.” 

Training pace 

Don’t worry about the pace – it’s jogging – it’s about the pleasure of running and enjoying every step. This is training for you! It doesn’t matter if you run 1 km in 6 or 8 minutes. The important thing is that you can breathe easily and not get fed up after a few hundred meters. 

Do not overdo it

If you are at the very beginning of your jogging adventure then don’t worry about catching breathlessness after a few minutes – this is normal. Without fitness, it’s hard to jog a longer distance. The average jog lasts about 30 minutes. If you train a little you’ll be able to easily last that long. 

However, remember not to do anything by force. If you feel that it is difficult for you, you start to feel that your muscles hurt, you can’t catch your breath, and it’s time to stop.

Better jogging with your favorite playlist 

To make jogging more enjoyable, it’s best to do it with music. Create a playlist with your favorite songs. You can also listen to a podcast or an audiobook. Not only will you do something for yourself and your health, but you will do it in a pleasant atmosphere. You certainly won’t be bored. 

Run in the evening to see beautiful sunset. In the morning? Sunrise! Another benefit of jogging? Amazing views 😉

Jogging vs warming up – do you need to do it? 

Yes. Before every physical activity, you need to warm up your body for at least 10 minutes. All this is to warm up your muscles before starting. 

If you run in the evening, the warm-up exercises don’t have to be long. After a full day, your body is warmed up with all the tasks you did. However, this does not mean that you should not do warm-ups. After all, your muscles are cooled down and need to be stretched a bit. 

The case is different for jogging in the morning. Then after a full night’s sleep, your body is sluggish – you’ve been lying down all night. Therefore, the warm-up should be longer, about 15-20 minutes. With the warm-up you need to stimulate the whole body, which has just “returned to life.” (;))

When it’s very cold outside, it’s raining or it’s hot, then warm up while still at home. This will reduce the time you spend outside in unfavorable conditions.  

Remember to do a warm-up before each jog. By doing so:

  • You will be able to jog better and more freely – in jogging, a pleasant workout is essential.
  • You’ll be able to start your workout with a better mental attitude.
  • You will be able to stretch your joints and muscles well – so there is much less risk of injury while jogging. 
  • You will burn some calories already during the warm-up. 

The end of training – what after jogging? 

Are you done jogging? Great, but that doesn’t mean you’ve finished your workout for today. After physical activity, you still need to spend about 10 minutes doing static stretching. Such exercises will cool down your muscles, allow you to relax, and calm your pulse. However, the biggest advantage of stretching after a workout is that exercise makes you less likely to get muscle soreness the next day. This is probably the most convincing argument 😉 

As with the warm-up, if the conditions outside are unfavorable then do the stretching at home. Just don’t forget about it when you get back! 

Jogging – how often can this physical activity be practiced? 

If you are a beginner then don’t run every day. The optimal training frequency is every two days. If you feel that your body has become stronger, and there is no soreness on the second day, then you can try daily running. However, remember to take one day a week to recover. Even experienced joggers need it. 

However, always listen to your body. If you feel muscle soreness the next day then postpone your workout for another day. Wait until your body recovers and you can continue your jogging. 

Jogging – how to stay motivated? 

  • Routine – in sports, routine is very important. Always try to go out for a jog at the same time. That way, you’ll know that at a certain time, you need to go out for a workout. Without a routine, you’ll keep putting off jogging until you suddenly find you have to go to bed, and…jogging won’t happen. 
  • Goal – not just a big goal that you will only be able to achieve if you practice a lot. You still need to set small goals that you will gradually achieve. This will make you more motivated to go outside. Each achieved goal on your list will surely make you smile and want to keep doing it. 
  • Cool sports uniform – Did you know that nice clothes can motivate you too? Choose a T-shirt in your favorite color or personalize it to your liking. This will make you eager to put on his sports clothes and go outside to exercise. Jogging will become even more fun. Beautiful weather, wind in his hair, favorite playlist in headphones, and a cool sports outfit – what more to want? 
  • After-jogging ritual – it’s a good idea to reward yourself after your workout – by watching an episode of a TV series, reading a book, or eating your favorite dish. This way you’ll be motivated to go out for a workout because subconsciously you’ll know that a reward awaits you when you return. 
  • Run with friends – the biggest motivation is often the other person. That’s why it’s a good idea to find a friend who also does jogging. If you don’t want to go out for a workout knowing that you have an appointment with someone, will motivate you to go out, and if not surely your friend will get you out of the house for a jog. 
  • Read motivational books – they can be about jogging but not only. You can find other motivational books that will show you that something is worth doing and that you have to strive for your goal. Often the words of another person can strongly influence our psyche and motivation. 

Jogging – stitch when jogging 

Does it happen that during jogging you suddenly feel pain in the abdominal area on the left or right side? That’s a stitch. There is one piece of good news, the more advanced you are the less likely it is to get stitches while jogging. 

However, when you feel it, stop training for a while and start applying pressure to the painful area. Does it still hurt? Lean forward. Start breathing deeply and do some side bends. These actions should help. 

DISCLAIMER: Don’t sit or squat if you feel pain. Colic needs to be diffused. 

Causes of the stitch while jogging: 

  • Overfilled stomach – you must remember to eat a large meal 3-4 hours before your workout. If you go jogging right after eating, not only can you feel unwell, but you will also get a stitch. Wait until the food is digested. Don’t drink sodas or energy drinks. 
  • Stress – chronic stress causes all sorts of ailments, including cramps. However, it is not such a common cause of stitch. 
  • Uneven breathing – remember the right rhythm: 3 steps on the inhale, 3 steps on the exhale. If you fall out of rhythm, stop for a moment, equalize your breathing and move on. 

Jogging with a dog 

It’s possible. If the pet is in good health and after consultation with the vet everything is ok then all you need to do is to purchase a special leash with a shock absorber and harness. Then “dress” your dog and start training. 

Remember to always have your dog on a leash, you never know where another person or wild animal will suddenly appear from. The dog may run away or attack someone even if he is docile – you never know how your dog will react. 

Jogging with a dog
Take your dog with you. It will benefits you and your pet.

Jogging with a baby in a stroller 

Often young mothers need to get out of the house. Unfortunately, they have no one to leave their baby with. If you want to do some jogging, take the toddler with you. It is worth buying a special baby stroller, which is ideal for jogging. 

Jogging is perfect for mothers. Why?

You’ll have some time for yourself, you’ll improve your postpartum shape and figure, you’ll forget about stress for a while, and your baby will be able to sleep in the stroller and breathe fresh air during this time. 

Equipment for jogging – what can be useful?

  • Sports watch – this is an item that is useful for any person who does sports. It has many features that will help you track your progress. It often has a built-in step counter, distance counter, and calorie counter. This will help you achieve your goal. 
  • Bidon – an important item for every jogger. It will help you stay hydrated at all times. Especially during hot weather. 
  • Cap – ideal for sunny days. It will help you protect your face, head, and eyes from sunlight.
  • Bone conduction headphones – this is a special type of headphones that does not obstruct the ear canal. You will be able to hear ambient sounds, and this will increase your safety.
  • Multifunctional scarf – perfect for any weather. You can cover your face, and head with it. You can wear it as a scarf, a hair band. 

Jogging – does it help you lose weight? 

Like any spot and thanks to jogging you can burn calories and shed pounds. However, you must remember to check your BMI before you start exercising. If you are overweight, you can start with light jogging. On the other hand, if your BMI is higher than 30, then you should choose another sport (one that doesn’t put stress on your knees) such as nordic walking or swimming. 

It can certainly be said that with jogging you will definitely burn a lot of calories, and if you want to lose pounds then take care of your diet and work out a caloric deficit. It will motivate you, strengthen your muscles and add fitness. Moreover, jogging is good for firming your skin and will help you relax. It’s something every person needs these days. 

What is jogging? How to start jogging? Now you know. As you can see, it is not so difficult, but you must follow certain rules. Remember to consult your doctor before you start training. When jogging, it’s all about enjoying the physical activity – forget about time or pace. Enjoy this sports activity. 

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