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> Thigh training for runners – see how to do it effectively and without pain!

Thigh training for runners – see how to do it effectively and without pain!

Publish date 20.09.2023

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Training for runners for thighs

You’ve certainly heard about training for runners more than once. It is important because you should not only run but also strengthen and stretch the muscles in your body. All this so that your body can better adapt and for your next workouts. Only in this way will you begin to achieve better and better results.

Running alone is not enough. Therefore, you should also add thigh training to your running routine. It should be done conscientiously, sometimes with the help of special accessories that make all the exercises you do more effective. 

Why does a runner need thigh training? How to properly perform the exercises? You will find out everything in this article. See what I have prepared for you and learn interesting tips and elements of training.

What does thigh training give a runner? Learn about the benefits! 

You’re probably wondering if it’s even worth starting thigh exercises. As you know, your legs work the most when you run, so it’s a good idea to add elements to strengthen them after your workout, or when your workouts are less intense. 

What benefits will you get from this? There are several! 

  • equalize the strength in all the muscles in the thighs – this includes the quadriceps femoris muscle, which is at the front of the thigh, and the biceps femoris muscle, which is at the back of the thigh. 

A little about the muscles in the thigh 

The previously mentioned quadriceps femoris is one of the strongest muscles in the body. Why? Because it works practically all the time – by taking a step you activate it. It is a large muscle that stabilizes the leg.

The other muscle – the biceps femoris  – is much weaker, and therefore every runner should strengthen it and perform appropriate exercises. Why? All to avoid an unwanted injury that can put you out of running for several weeks or even months.

  • stimulate other muscles – for your thighs to work well, especially their muscles, you must give them a variety of stimuli to grow stronger. Therefore, this type of exercise will be perfect. Strength training will perfectly complement your running. 
  • stronger thigh muscles = better performance for any runner – if you strengthen your thighs this will automatically translate into your performance. You will see your time and running pace change. You will run farther, faster. The most important thing, however, is that your thigh muscles will be healthy.
  • greater knee stability – thanks to the strength of the muscle fibers, your knees are not so stressed. This will prevent injuries during training.

Thigh exercises – how often to do them?

How many times a week should you do thigh-strengthening exercises? Ideally, 2 times a week. Preferably on days when you have a lighter workout, run a shorter distance, and have no other additional exercises. You can also do them on a day when you don’t plan to run completely. 

Remember: If after running you feel strong soreness in your legs and especially in your thighs then skip the extra exercises. During this time, it’s best if you rest and allocate this time for thorough recovery. If you exercise with sore legs, you could end up with a worse injury and even lead to injury.

Thigh exercises – how many exercises should you do in one training session? 

We advise against doing long and strenuous workouts to strengthen your legs. It is best to choose about 4-5 exercises for one training session to help you improve your running performance in the future. 

It is best to perform 3-4 series each. Sessions, on the other hand, should have about 15 repetitions each. 

  • 3 series with fewer repetitions (12), will be sufficient for those who are just starting with strengthening exercises and running. 
  • 4 series with more repetitions (15), will be ideal for more experienced people.

Remember that this kind of workout should challenge you. If such a series is not enough for you, you can add more series or exercises. Just don’t overdo it! Don’t strain yourself too much – this can lead to injury.

Do you need additional accessories to perform thigh exercises? 

No. You can do all the exercises without additional sports accessories. You need to perform them accurately. However, if you want to perform a more effective workout, it is worth investing in mini-band resistance bands. They are what will make the workout you do more intense and therefore effective. It is best to choose a mini-band made of fabric. This way your muscles in your thighs will get an extra boost to develop.

Workout for thighs – learn 6 interesting exercises for every runner

I’m sure you already know most of these exercises. However, who knows, maybe some will be a complete novelty for you. Before starting any workout, remember about a 10-15 minute warm-up to prepare your body for the exercises. Perform all the training elements shown below carefully. Only in this way will you get the effect you expect. 

We will start, of course, with simple exercises that can be performed by anyone, even a beginner! Ok, let’s start the fun. Let’s go!

  1. The classics – the squat 
Squat for thighs

Squats engage the thighs and glutes (which (especially ladies 😉 ) also want to strengthen. 

This is one of the most popular exercises that everyone has done! Surely you have memories of P.E. lessons at school. It was not without squats. 

You probably think the squat is a simple thing. Maybe so, but you need to perform it correctly and accurately. Before you start this exercise read the instructions on how to do it.

  • Feet at shoulder width. 
  • Back straight, chest pushed slightly forward. 
  • Your shoulder blades should be tight, and your abdominal and thigh muscles should be tight. 
  • Then start slowly going lower and lower – bend your knees as low as you can. 
  • Observe your knees – if they start to go inward correct your position. 
  • Your heels should be on the floor at all times – don’t pull your feet off the ground.
  • After performing a deep squat, return to the starting position – slowly. 

How about a squat with a resistance band? 

If you have a resistance band then use it. Place it just above your knees and perform the exercise more efficiently.

  1. Squat on one leg
Squat on one leg for thigh

Let’s make the classic squat a little more difficult now. This one, performed on one leg, is extremely effective for muscle strengthening. Why? One leg has to hold all the weight. Moreover, with this exercise, you will improve your stability. 

How to perform such a squat on one leg correctly and accurately? I’m already telling you!

  • Perform this exercise with a straight back.
  • Tighten your torso and look ahead. 
  • Pull one leg off the floor. You can put it against your thigh or just swing it away. 
  • Standing on one leg, perform a squat, as low as you can manage. 
  • Remember not to take your heel off the ground. 
  • Then straighten up to the starting position. 

I don’t think I need to repeat this, but I’ll do it again. Remember to perform the exercise on both your left and right legs.

  1. Isometric squat with a resistance band 
Isometric squat

Isometric, meaning what kind of squats? Those that involve holding in one position without changing the position of the body. 

What will you need to perform this exercise? A wall. Nothing else! In addition, you can put a mini-band under or over your knees. Okay, let’s move on to how to perform this exercise. 

  • Stand at the wall in a straddle. Legs at shoulder width. 
  • Slowly start sliding your back down the wall. 
  • Have you reached a squat? Great. 
  • Hold in this position for about 30 seconds. Extend your arms in front of you. 
  • Repeat this exercise about 3-5 times. 

During this exercise, focus on strengthening your glutes and thighs. Therefore, do not rest all your body weight on your back. Move them a little away from the wall and focus on your legs. Only then will the exercise you are performing bring results.

  1. Reverse leg extension from kneeling 
Exercises for thigh on the gym mat

Thigh training cannot be done without the glutes. Most of the exercise performed on the thighs engages them. 

For this exercise, it is best to use the previously mentioned mini-band resistance band. Put it over your knees and get to work. It is also good to get a yoga mat. This will make it more comfortable for you to perform leg inversions.  

  • Unfold the mat and put on the previously mentioned mini-band resistance band. 
  • Lift one leg upwards. While doing this, remember to tighten your gluteal and thigh muscles. Your back must be straight.
  • Do not twist the knee joint and keep the leg straight. 
  • Hold the raised leg for about 2 seconds. Slowly lower it and return to the starting position. 

Repeat the exercise for the other leg as well. Everything must be balanced and you should exercise the muscles on both thighs.

  1. Reversal of the leg to the side while standing 
Reversal of the leg to the side

Surely you haven’t forgotten the previous exercise of leg inversion while kneeling have you? Well, that’s great. Now we’re going to do this exercise, but while standing. 

This is best performed with support. What does that mean? Against a wall, chair, or gymnastic ladder. It will allow you to maintain a better balance. Add a mini-band to this exercise. Place it above your joints. 

  • Stand straight sideways to a wall, chair, or other element and grab it. 
  • Straighten your back and tighten your torso. You can put your free hand on your hip. 
  • Clench your buttocks and thighs. 
  • Move your leg (from the outside) in an upright position as far to the side as possible. 
  • Hold it in this position for about 2 seconds. 
  • Then slowly begin to lower your leg and return to the starting position. 

As in the piercing exercise, perform it both on the left and right side.

  1. Side-to-side leg throws 
Side-to-side leg throws
  • Stand up straight. 
  • Your feet should be at shoulder width.
  • Place your hands in front of you. You can also intertwine them on your chest. 
  • Your back your head should be straight – look straight ahead. 
  • Tighten your torso muscles as well. 
  • Then throw one leg out to the side, and bend the other leg at the knee. 
  • In the leg that was “thrown out” the knee should be straight. 
  • With the bent leg, push off the ground and return to the starting position. 

Remember to perform the exercise on both legs. First, bend the left leg and then the right leg. 

If you want you can use resistance bands during this exercise. However, do this only after several workouts. At the very beginning, perform the movements without additional sports accessories.

Workout for thighs – what training is worth doing? 

Add to your training: 

  • stretching workout
  • rolling 
  • static stretching 

Hopefully, this article has shown you the importance of stretching your thighs – especially for runners. Therefore, don’t waste a moment and add these exercises to your weekly training. You will definitely not regret this decision. By doing all the exercises thoroughly you will see the results you dream of.

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