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> Running workouts – what are they and what do they consist of?

Running workouts – what are they and what do they consist of?

Publish date 28.03.2023

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Running workouts types

To train effectively, it’s not enough to just run. Especially if you are preparing for a competition – 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon – whatever distance you want to run, you need to incorporate specific workouts into your running life that will enable you to develop your skills and fitness. 

In this article, I will show you 10 types of running workouts that will allow you to prepare very well for the start in the competitions. 

Types of running workouts

Base run 

This is the most common workout that both beginners and advanced runners do. There is no big philosophy here. This type of training relies on a running pace that is natural to the runner. You run at an easy pace – it’s not about doing a lot of miles or a good time. It’s an ideal way to train for pleasure. 

The base run helps prepare you for the more intense and demanding workouts you have in store. By starting with the basics, you will avoid injury, rapid fatigue, and muscle soreness for the next day after an intense workout. You will also increase your fitness, performance, and efficiency. 

If it comes to the length of such a workout, 20-30 minutes is enough for beginners. However, if you are already more advanced, a workout that lasts about 60 minutes will be enough. Run freely, enjoy nature, relax, and enjoy your training.

Speed running workout 

This kind of running training is done if you want to improve your speed and fitness. Running faster will be useful for you during competitions, especially when you are thinking about short distances. 

During such a workout, your fast twitch muscle fibers develop – these are the ones responsible for fast running. These fibers are primarily responsible for short efforts that require a lot of energy. You get tired faster, so the distance you run with increased speed should be short. What kind of distance? You’re about to find out. 

If you want to start improving your speed you must start by setting yourself short running distances. They should be between 100 and 400 meters. At this distance, you should run at a faster pace than you normally do. After running the designated distance, you should take a break – no, it’s not about sitting down on a bench. You should walk the same distance you ran a moment ago. During this time you will rest, calm your breathing and continue your training. During this workout, you must maintain the right pace and running technique. 

Speed running workouts should last no longer than 30 minutes. Why? Because such sessions that help you increase your speed are very intense and tiring for your body. Therefore, half an hour is completely enough. Don’t think about running longer, because then you will get too tired for the next session the next day, or may even lead to injury.

Speed running workout

Endurance running training

This workout is all about running longer distances. It is especially helpful if you are preparing for a marathon or half marathon. However, it will also be a perfect workout for a 5K distance. 

What distance you run during such a workout depends solely on you – or, more precisely, on your fitness. Beginners can run 3 miles, while experienced marathoners can run up to 18 miles. However, there is one very important thing you need to remember – the workout should not last more than 2.5h

Why? A longer workout just doesn’t make sense. You will only be tired, your legs (or more precisely, your muscles) will be sore for the next day and you won’t be able to continue your workouts. That’s why it’s best to adhere to this time than to suffer afterward. 

The purpose of such training is to increase muscle glycogen storage. It also increases the number of capillaries, the more of which in the muscles, the better, since they are responsible for the exchange of metabolic products and the transport of oxygen.

Anaerobic threshold running workout

Anaerobic threshold running workout will be best for people who want to achieve excellent fitness and increase fatigue resistance. 

However, the most important thing during this workout is to stay on the lactate threshold.

“What is the lactate threshold? How do you maintain it? It’s complicated.”

The lactate test in our body occurs when its concentration in the muscles is 4 mmol. This is the optimal number so that you can run at an even pace and not get as tired. If you speed up and the concentration of lactic acid increases, that’s when you will quickly feel fatigued.

Anaerobic threshold running workouts should last no longer than an hour. You need to get your pace right so that you can easily run for the entire workout. To determine your ideal pace, it’s best to invest in a running watch that will show you all the data and help you train better. 

It will certainly be difficult at first to find the right pace and maintain it. Don’t give up, because, after a few workouts, you will surely have everything figured out.

Interval running workout 

If you already run a little, you may be familiar with this type of training. It is a workout that should not exceed 3 miles. On the other hand, the stretches when you run for VO2max should not exceed 1,5 mil. Between these distances, there should be 2-3 minute breaks in which you walk or jog slowly. During this time you will recuperate, calm your breathing and be able to run further with the correct technique. 

Why not more? Because this is a very hard and intense workout, which even for advanced runners is difficult and makes them tired. 

During this workout, your job is to maintain maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max). Running so fast, you need to take breaks – that is, transitioning from fast running to walking, or jogging.

To sum up this section, interval training is running at different paces – once fast once slow. Assign yourself how much you will run at a fast pace, and then how much you will jog or walk. Repeat these steps several times during one workout. However, remember (yes, I’m reminding you of this again) the distance cannot be longer than 3 miles.

Running workouts - interval running

Hill repeats

It’s just running uphill. No beginner or advanced athlete can do without it. With this type of training, you can increase your endurance, stability, respiratory capacity, and even increase muscle mass. What’s more, it will make it much easier for you to overcome more difficult routes, where the road is full of hills. 

Practice running uphill only when you know you have the energy and strength to do it properly. Running uphill with your last strength is not a good way to train. For this workout to make sense you need to run uphill working your arms intensively, lifting your knees high up, and landing on your midfoot. 

The types of running-ups: 

  • Short – 5-15 seconds 
  • Long – 30-120 seconds
  • On a treadmill – you should set the appropriate incline of the treadmill from 4 to 8%. 

To do good running ups you must remember to do them on an even surface to maintain an even pace. What’s more, don’t do another series of run-ups if you feel you don’t have the strength. Also, remember that the slope of a run-up should not exceed 12%.


Running workouts can’t just be a chore and a routine that you have to do even if you don’t want to. Running training must be fun! That’s exactly what Fartlek is. During this workout, you play with the pace and change it often to make the workout fun. 

This type of workout is ideal for any runner. It allows you to run at a relaxed pace, clears your head and finally forget about your everyday problems. Increase and decrease your running pace. You decide for yourself when you start running faster and when you slow down. This is a kind of interval training, but you don’t have a rigid schedule that you have to stick to.

Recovery run 

Recover from a hard workout or race using the recovery run. As you can guess it is characterized by low intensity. You are supposed to rest and recover – this is the main motive in this workout. However, you need to remember that even for this workout you need to apply yourself, but run in such a way that you can freely talk to the person next to you. 

With such a workout, you will help your body recover faster, and stimulate your muscles and cardiovascular system to work. 

How long should such a workout last? It is considered that 20-40 minutes of running is enough. Remember not to strain your body during this run. Keep a relaxed pace and remember to breathe. This run is meant to help you get back to regular training faster after a hard workout.

Recovery running - running workout


As the name suggests, it involves a sudden and rapid acceleration of the gear. You start with a steady jog until you suddenly accelerate for about 30 seconds. After this effort, you move on to recovery, which will certainly be needed after such a short but intense run. 

Such acceleration is performed at the end of the workout. Moreover, don’t do a full-throttle run right away. Start gradually accelerating your pace. This will help you avoid injury. 

Remember to maintain proper running technique so that your efforts will bring results. 

By accelerating, you stimulate your cardiovascular system, raise your heart rate, increase leg speed, and strengthen your muscles. This kind of training increases your comfort level as you run faster – this will certainly come in handy during competitions, especially when you are racing against someone right in front of the finish line, for a place on the podium.

Cool-downs workout 

Cooling down is the final stage of training. It’s worth using after every workout – of course, you don’t have to, because this stage is not as important as the warm-up, but it’s worth it. It’s just a few minutes of slow running. 

By doing so, you calm your body down after an intense workout, and your heart rate and breathing slowly return to normal. What’s more, your muscles begin to relax – so there’s a much lower risk that you’ll feel pain in your muscles the next day (soreness). 

How long should the cool-down last? It all depends on how long and intense the training you did was. If you run less than 7 miles, your cool-down workout should last about 5-10 minutes. On the other hand, if the distance is longer then give yourself 15 minutes. Run slower and slower until you move to walking and slow walking.

Now you know what types of running workouts there are. You should choose the ones that will be most useful for you, your fitness, and to prepare for a running race. These running workouts will help you in many ways. Train according to the instructions, and don’t overdo it. 

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