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> Pronation and supination of foot – what does it mean for a runner?

Pronation and supination of foot – what does it mean for a runner?

Publish date 07.12.2022

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Pronation and supination of foot

A good selection of shoes and choosing a good model that is comfortable is the basis for any runner. When preparing an outfit to go out for training, the most important thing is shoes. Buying the right ones can be difficult, after all, there are so many to choose from! However, it is not enough just to pay attention to comfort, material, sole, and color. It won’t be that easy

Pronation and supination – what are they and why is it important to look at these terms before choosing proper running shoes? How to choose the right ones? In this article, we will introduce you to these terms in detail! Let’s get started!  

Supination and pronation – supination of foot

Is this the first time you’ve heard this term? I will explain it to you! 

Supination is one of how the foot is positioned during a stride. When do we talk about supination? When you place your foot more firmly on the outside. It strikes with the outside of the heel and on the outside, it rolls to the toes. The small toes get the biggest load because it is on them that you put all the pressure during the step. In contrast, the big toe of the foot takes a rest. 

This arrangement of the top makes the anatomical system of the foot look a little different. Therefore, you need to choose your footwear carefully. I’m not just talking about running, but for everyday use. Supination of the foot is characterized by a high arch. Therefore, it is difficult to choose comfortable shoes, because they very often exert pressure from above. 

“Hmmm…I have this problem when trying on shoes and I find it difficult to choose the right and comfortable ones”.

If so, you probably have a supination of the foot. It’s good to know this because this way you can tell if the shoes will be good, plus you don’t have to be upset that every shoe you try on is not comfortable. 

Pronation and supination – pronation of foot

Pronation is also related to how you place your foot when you take a step. However, in this case, a person who struggles with pronation puts the foot inward. The person starts by striking with the inside of the heel, then rolls to the toe. Remember how in supination, it was the toe that had nothing to do? Here, on the contrary, the toe takes all the load on itself, and the little toes rest. 

In this case, a characteristic of the foot of a person with pronation is a low arch. It may even happen that flat feet are present. If you have flat feet, it is a good idea to consult an orthopedic doctor about this problem. The doctor will help you choose the right shoe insole to help offset this problem when walking. Don’t ignore it!

Pronation and supination – is there an ideal foot? 

When it comes to stepping, a person who has a normal arch has the ideal foot- it is neither too high nor too low and does not lead to flat feet. 

In addition to a normal arch, what are the characteristics of a neutral foot? 

The fact that the foot lies in a straight line with the tibia and does not bend inward or outward. The pressure on the toes is even. When taking a step, you first put pressure on the heel, then on the big toe and the rest of the toes. 

Pronation vs supination vs neutral – why such differences? 

A lot of factors influence how your foot is shaped. However, the most common problems are created by shoes. Yes, shoes that do not have the right orthopedic qualities in which you walk for many years. 

This is why most people’s feet are not in a straight line with the tibia and are far from natural. As you can easily see we deform them throughout our lives. 

You can also be born with supination and pronation. You don’t necessarily have to develop it during your life. In this case, this should be corrected from a young age – this period will be the easiest. 

It is not only the type of footwear that affects this. Weight is also an important factor. If you are an obese person, you may have a problem with pronation and flat feet. Why? The more pressure that the foot gets through excessive weight negatively affects the foot and makes you put more pressure on it. Therefore, the foot slowly flattens out. 

Genetic factors can also be a problem. Some people are simply more susceptible to pronation or supination, and others less.

Supination and pronation of foot – Is this a serious medical condition? 

Let me tell you right away that pronation and supination of the foot are not immediately serious medical conditions. Certainly, everyone wants to have a beautiful, straight foot that is even and takes steps well. However, slight deviations are also natural and occur in virtually everyone. 

However, there is such a thing as excessive supination and pronation of the foot. Then you already need to go to the doctor for a consultation. In this case, special running shoes will certainly come in handy, so that your feet and you will feel comfortable while exercising. 

Excessive supination and pronation – why should I see an orthopedic doctor? 

If you want to start running and want to choose the right shoes, then you should “get to know your foot” more closely. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but this will help you run comfortably. 

How you put your foot is very important not only when walking, but especially when running. This is when the foot gets more pressure because it rises and falls with more force. The feet need to be stable and should be taken care of because they are the reason why we can take more steps. 

How your foot is positioned has a very big impact on the impact absorption you experience when taking steps, and even more so when running. Supination and pronation matter for the foot itself as well as for the position of the foot relative to the tibia.

As I mentioned earlier, the slight deviation that often occurs is not a case when you need to worry. However, if there is a problem of excessive supination and pronation then you may experience some problems. What are they?

Excessive supination of foot:

  • ankle pain, 
  • pain in the ball of the foot, 
  • ankle sprains, 
  • shin splints, 
  • plantar fasciitis. 

Excessive pronation of foot:

  • plantar fasciitis,
  • heel pain, 
  • chronic lower back pain, 
  • shin splints, 
  • patellofemoral pain (runner’s knee).

These are just a few of the discomforts you may experience when you have pronation or supination. Therefore, if you see that you have a problem, go and see an orthopedic doctor.

How to recognize supination and pronation of foot?

There are several ways to identify pronation and supination. 

1. First is a test that you can do at home. All you need is a sheet of paper and paint for the children. Paint your foot and reflect it on the paper. This may be a method by which you will get a little dirty, but your result will give you a clear situation of what your feet look like. 

Pronation of foot – the foot on the paper is reflected practically all over, and the inner part of the foot can be seen. 

Supination of foot- well-visible heels and toes, but the outer arch of the foot is interrupted. 

Neutral foot – the heels and toes are well visible, and the outer arch is visible. No marking of the inner part of the foot, as in pronation. 

From left: Pronation, Neutral and Supination of foot.

2. Are you running? Take a look at your running shoes. If the insole is more worn down on the outside, you may have a supination. On the other hand, if the insole is worn down on the inside and the areas for the big toe are more heavily scuffed, you may have pronation.

3. You can also do the pronation and supination test at a sports shoe store or an orthopedic doctor. If you go to a specialist, he or she will probably immediately determine whether you are afflicted with either of these ailments, or whether, however, your feet are neutral. In a sports store, a step analysis can help. It is not possible in every store, but you can find such. 

Features of shoes for supinators

  • Additional ankle stabilization – anyone struggling with supination must keep this in mind, as there is a greater chance of twisting the ankle. 
  • Additional reinforcement on the outside of the foot.
  • Higher construction and higher instep in the shoe.

Features of shoes for pronators 

  • Extra reinforcement and cushioning on the inner edge of the shoe – this type of shoe has extra foam for comfort. As a result, the insole will not wear out disproportionately to the rest of the insole. 
  • Wider midsole.
  • They will not be high.

Correcting pronation and supination – what can be done? 

If you suspect that you may have a problem with supination or pronation then it is best to see an orthopedic. They’ll tell you what’s wrong – they’ll do a personalized diagnosis and tell you exactly what you should be doing and what exercises to do. 

In the case of running shoes, you will need a special insole that will make your foot feel better right away, and you will finally be able to run comfortably. Admittedly, it won’t improve the condition of your foot, but it will ensure safety. Remember, however, not to buy the insole yourself. It’s best to have it customized for you by a specialist who knows his stuff. 

If you choose an insole for running shoes, then buy normal shoes. The insole will make the foot behave as if it were in a neutral position. Comfort assured!


What does it look like to choose shoes for people with pronation or supination?

When you think that you need to buy specialized shoes, you immediately definitely have a big $ stamp in front of your eyes. They will cost more than ordinary running shoes. 

If you have pronation or supination it is most important that you buy shoes from a stationary store. Don’t choose the online option. Try the shoe on first and see if it is comfortable. It may be that an ordinary running shoe may turn out to be comfortable. Remember that the most important thing is safety and comfort. You can also buy a special insole. 

Work also on good running technique. This is the key to running comfortably. 

Now you know what foot pronation and supination are. You also know how to recognize them, what tests can be done, and which shoes will be best. Remember, if you see that there is something wrong with your feet go to an orthopedist or do one of the tests. 

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