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> Pose running – learn this method and run better

Pose running – learn this method and run better

Publish date 20.10.2022

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POSE running - technique

Many people who want to change their lives and start doing something for their health choose running as physical activity. The answer to the question “why?” is very simple. Anyone can run. It’s not hard to alternately put your left leg and then your right leg. It’s like walking, only at a faster and more dynamic pace.

However, this is not quite like that in this case. To run well and efficiently, running technique is also important. 

“What technique? After all, all you have to do is move your legs and run forward.”

Yes, but to do it effectively you need to familiarize yourself with a certain technique. In this article, I will introduce you to the POSE running method. You are probably wondering what this method is. You will find out in a moment! Read on! 

What is the POSE method?

Let’s start with a very brief history lesson of the POSE running. It was created by Dr. Nicholas Romanov. He was born in Russia but moved to the United States in the ‘90s. He created the POSE method in the mid-1970s. Dr. Romanov is a doctor of physiology, as well as an author of sports books and a trainer. 

How did the creation of the POSE method come to life? Romanov was very curious about how people who train in, for example, combat sports make such smooth and accurate movements. He did not have to ponder for a long time, because the answer was simple: repetition of specific positions. Through frequent repetitions, their movement and technique came to perfection. 

Romanov began to observe dancers more closely, among others, and eventually identified three positions that follow each other during running. In this way, he created the POSE method of running. Admittedly, it takes some practice to master it, but it is effective and improves the quality of running. 

So what is the POSE method? First of all, it improves the performance, and ergonomics of running and ensures that you get better results while running. 

Poor running technique – the most common injuries 

By using the POSE technique in your training, you can avoid the most common injuries that are caused by poor running technique. Here are some of them: 

  • landing on your heel – by landing on your heel you may feel pain in your knees, hips, or lower back.
  • landing on an upright leg and a long stride – such a stride puts a lot of stress on the tibia. 
  • strong bounce – strong bounce can lead to Achilles tendonitis. 

Why should you familiarize yourself with the POSE running method?

Running may seem trivial. However, to be effective you need to run correctly. Here are some reasons why you should familiarize yourself with this method.  

  • proper running technique = economical running. 
  • the proper running technique also means less risk of injury, which can happen to anyone. Yes, you can indeed damage or stretch a muscle or tendon by not running and stepping correctly. Then you can say “bye-bye” to running for a few weeks or even months. 
  • less wasted energy – you don’t even realize how much energy you lose by making unnecessary movements while running. With the POSE technique, you can reduce them and run longer and more efficiently, such as uneven arm work. 
  • say goodbye to hunched-over posture – often you don’t even notice that your posture is hunched over while running. With the POSE method of running, you will say goodbye to it, and your performance, running technique, and health will improve. 
  • faster running – with the POSE method you increase your cadence. That is, you shorten your steps and move your legs faster.

POSE method – what it looks like 

As I mentioned earlier, the POSE running consists of three very important positions. They must be perfectly practiced to produce the desired results and positively affect the run. 

The three positions are: 


POSE method of running - what it is

POSE – starting position 

  • Ankle joint, hips, and shoulders in line. 
  • The back leg, which is on the ground, is to be slightly bent. 
  • The other bent in the air pulls the foot towards the buttocks, and the shin is almost parallel to the ground, it is under the body, not in front of it.

FALL – leaning forward 

  • You lean forward by bending at the ankle joint. 
  • The leg goes to the landing, falls relaxed (quadriceps muscles as well as the lower part), and is slightly bent at the knee, on the midfoot, putting it close to the center of gravity.

PULL – pulling the foot up from the ground 

  • The corner leg does not remain on the ground for a long time – this exposes unnecessary energy loss.
  • Then the leg is quickly pulled – heel to buttocks.
  • No explosion while engaging the calf. 

The main principles of the POSE method 

1. Use of gravity 

The goal of the POSE method is that one should run as well as possible and that this technique can be used at any distance. Therefore, the gravitational force is used here. It is meant to help you move forward, and therefore also helps you save energy, which can be used for longer running. 

The runner’s body is inclined from the front, and up to a certain point, it falls freely. Then the leg is placed on the ground. The leg falls freely and the thigh muscles should be relaxed.  

2. Proper landing on the foot 

Proper landing while running is extremely important if you want to run well, not waste energy unnecessarily, and, most importantly, avoid an injury that can take you out of physical activity for several weeks or even months. 

In the POSE method, the most important thing is to land on the front of the foot – but not on the toes. In addition, the foot that falls to the ground must be slightly bent at the knee. Do not land on an upright leg, as the run will be uncomfortable, and worse, you may get injured. 

3. Upright, slightly sloping silhouette

As you surely already know when running, the runner’s silhouette should be upright. This makes running much more pleasant and comfortable. A straight silhouette also aids in more efficient breathing.

That’s why posture is important when running according to the POSE method. An upright slightly forward-leaning posture. Due to the slight inclination, the step is longer. 

In the POSE method of running, the ankle joint, hip joint, and shoulders should be in line.

4. Higher cadence

Dr. Romanov believed that cadence (that is, the number of steps taken per minute – you can learn more about cadence HERE), should be 180 steps per minute. This is probably hard for you to imagine. The idea here is to take smaller steps while running. This cadence allows you to minimize your up-and-down movement and shorten your time in the air, which in turn greatly improves your running economy. 

What’s more, this cadence also affects how you land. You will find it easier to aim for a landing on mid-foot and close to the center of gravity.

5. Smooth movement

Smooth movements in the POSE running are extremely important. It is by mastering them to perfection that runners who use this technique look as if they are gliding along the ground. What is the merit of this? The quick movement of the legs and virtually no movement of the upper body. The head stays in the same place. This provides a smooth movement that makes running easier. 

POSE running - method of running

6. Thumb at rib level 

The work of your hands while running is very important. They are like an extra engine that makes your body accelerate while running. It is thanks to the correct movement of your hands that you can run freely and more efficiently. This was also noted by Romanov. In the POSE method of running, the arms should be loose and the thumbs must be halfway up the ribs. 

The POSE running assumes that the hands do not take active work while running. Their work should not be intense. The main thing is that the hands should be bent at right angles and move parallel to the torso. 

7. General relaxation 

If you relax then you will run more ergonomically. If your muscles are tense, they can’t work or it goes very hard to use them at their full potential. It also causes a loss of energy, which after all we want to save so much to run better and more. The muscles in the POSE method should be relaxed, so you can run properly. 

POSE method of running – where to start? 

Do you remember your beginnings with running? Did you try to run correctly i.e. from the midfoot? Changing the method and running correctly is not a process that happens in a day. The same is true with the POSE method. You won’t start running well right away. It may even take several months before your technique will be on a good level. 

However, where do you start? With strengthening and stabilization exercises. You need to strengthen: 

  • knees,
  • feet,
  • calves.

You can not forget about stretching exercises – thanks to them you will provide flexibility to your muscles. If you do not know how to perform exercises correctly or which ones to choose, go to a physiotherapist or get help from a personal trainer. With the help of a professional, you will avoid injuries. 

POSE method – is it worth it? 

YES! This is the safest method ever created. Therefore, you will avoid unpleasant injuries that take you out of sport life for a while. The injuries are most often because of not using the right technique. 

Now you know, what is a pose running. As you can see with this technique you can improve your running as well as the comfort of doing this type of physical activity. Yes, you have to put a lot of effort into doing this but believe me, it is worth it! 

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