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> Motivation to lose weight – 12 ways

Motivation to lose weight – 12 ways

Publish date 20.01.2023

You can read it in 9 minut

Lose weight - motivation

Do you postpone your training from day to day? You think “I’ll start on Monday,” “I’ll start on the new month,” I’ll start on… you know what I am talking about. If you want to lose weight and you haven’t yet started actively spending your free time, you have certainly used such excuses many, many times. 

People want to lose pounds, have a beautiful figure, and finally, start liking themselves. After all, this is the most important thing. Everyone knows that excessive body weight is not healthy. However, such an argument does not convince many people. Therefore, in this article, I will focus on other aspects and motivations to lose weight. 

If you have problems with the motivation to exercise, stay with me and keep reading. I will introduce you to 12 effective motivations for stopping being a couch potato. Put on your athletic shoes and start spending time actively. 

Before you start running – what to remember? 

You need to remember some very important facts. Earlier I wrote that I will not mention health here, however, I must tell you the most important things. If you find the motivation to exercise through the ways I’m about to list, that’s great! However, running alone is not enough to lose weight. You should also change your eating habits. Limit sweets, and choose healthy and balanced meals. Eat in a way to achieve a caloric deficit. This will help a lot to achieve the desired effect. 

You also need to step on the scale before you start running. I know that for some, weight is the biggest enemy and they don’t want to know how much they weigh, especially if they know they have gained weight. However, it’s important before you start running. First, you will know how much weight you have managed to lose. Secondly, you’ll find out if you can run at all, or if you need to choose another sport to start with. It all depends on your BMI. 

BMI 25-30 – don’t run at a full sprint. Start with slow jogging, marching, and walking. In addition, you need to purchase shoes with a lot of cushioning so that you don’t end up with an injury that will rule you out of running. I feel that after such an adventure you would not return to running at all. Moreover, consult your doctor. They will tell you what physical activity will be best for you to start with. 

BMI – 30< – forget about running. Excess weight and running can affect your joints very badly. If you want to choose a sport that is at least somewhat related to running, go for walking or Nordic walking. Also, take care of your diet and proper exercise. Consult your doctor and physiotherapist – they will tell you what exercises will be appropriate. If not running then choose another sport such as cycling or swimming. Slowly and gradually you will get the BMI, where you will be able to start running normally. 

However, before that happens you need to start, so you need motivation (finally we come to the section that interests you the most 😉 .) 

1. I need the motivation to lose weight – stand in front of the mirror 

This is often the best motivation. Before starting any workouts, you need to accept yourself and how you look. Don’t pull your belly in. See yourself in all your glory. This will help you know which body parts you most want to focus on. 

Accepting yourself doesn’t mean “I am what I am, I won’t change anything. It’s ok.” No. It means that you see that you need to change, and with acceptance, it will be easier for you to motivate yourself. Each time you stand in front of the mirror, you will feel more and more satisfied. 1 month, 2 months, 6 months – with a good diet, exercise, and running the results can surprise you. And that’s probably the point, isn’t it? 

“I will never accept myself. I hate the way I look.”

Many people often think that way. Even if they have a perfect figure, everyone tells them they look great, but they still don’t accept themselves. If this is the case with you, go to a psychologist. The problem may lie in your head. It is better to go to a specialist because such self-perception can lead to serious disorders.

2. How to find the motivation to lose weight? – go to a dietician

Being overweight can be eliminated not only with exercise. It is important to add to them a proper diet. However, it is difficult to create one if you have no idea about healthy eating. You won’t create balanced meals. You won’t know how many calories a day you should eat so a diet combined with training will bring results. 

That’s why it’s a good idea to go to a specialist – a dietician – for advice. They will calculate how many calories your diet should have, and arrange a meal plan that is tailored to your exercise and running. 

Without dietary knowledge, many people choose to eat a lot less. They eat nothing for most of the day to lose weight. That’s not how it works. If you want to lose belly fat, you need to eat healthily, not starve yourself – that doesn’t lead to anything good. 

By developing a menu with a professional, you will be more motivated to run and train every day. Together you will create the perfect menu that is tasty. This way you won’t feel that you are on any kind of diet and your motivation to run and lose weight will be even greater. 

3. Motivation to lose weight – main goal and small goals

How to get the motivation to lose weight? Choose a goal. These are what motivate you the most to take action. However, one main goal may not be enough. That’s why it’s best to set even smaller goals along the way that are easier to achieve, e.g. “Today I will run 2 miles without stopping,” “Tomorrow I will go for a run and do strengthening exercises,” “The day after tomorrow I will do interval training and manage to last 10 minutes.” 

More realistic goals than the final ones are closer to being realized and it’s why the motivation is greater. Each complete goal is another very important step to losing weight and achieving the figure of your dreams. 

4. How to find the motivation to lose weight? – give yourself little rewards

Before running, think about what you will do afterward: read a book, watch your favorite TV series, relax in the bath, or take a short nap. Any motivation is good to move from the couch. Knowing that something good is waiting for you after your workout is a very big motivator. 

How about choosing a series to watch only after your workout? That way you’ll be even more motivated to go for a run, and when you come back see what the further fate of your favorite characters will be. You can do the same with a book. Motivation guaranteed! 

You can combine this with the previously mentioned goals – in a month I want to lose 3 kg. If I succeed, I will go for a massage. Interesting solution? 

DISCLAIMER: Don’t reward yourself with food. This is the most common problem faced by people who want to lose weight. Choose some fruit instead of a donut or chips. 

5. A new set of clothes 

On the market, you will find many stores and clothes for plus-size people. However, it must be said that more stylish clothes are more for people whose BMI is “normal.” 

This motivation to run and do other sports will convince especially ladies (however, gentlemen are not excluded ;)). Go to a shopping mall or visit online stores. You will see how many fantastic clothes would be perfect for you if only you could fit into a smaller size. 

Do you know what will motivate you even more? Choose clothes, in a smaller size, that you like and buy them. With exercise, running and the gym, you’ll eventually be able to wear them. Try them on every few weeks to see the results of your work. 

6. Sport clothes 

New clothes? Everyone wants to put them on as soon as possible. Therefore, if you can’t motivate yourself to train, buy new comfortable sports clothes. Preferably in your favorite color. Or maybe you decide to get a personalized T-shirt? 

Comfortable and nice clothes always encourage you to wear them, and sports clothes will further encourage you to go outside and train. After a couple of workouts, you’ll want to get back on track and do a longer run. You won’t need “clothing motivation” anymore 😉 

7. The motivation to lose weight is to eat good food 

The biggest torture is eating meals you don’t like just to lose weight. Ok, yes it is possible to lose weight in this way, but you should enjoy your workouts and proper diet, and not get shivers when you think about food all the time. 

Therefore, if you choose the help of a nutritionist, tell him what you like to eat. He will include these products in the menu, plus give you some tasty sweet snacks. Let’s face it, everyone needs a little sugar to sweeten their lives and improve their mood. Saying goodbye to your favorite foods and snacks makes weight loss frustrating and you quickly give up on your workout plan. Therefore, with the help of a specialist, you will be able to eat what you like. 

Weight loss based on banning yourself from everything you like ends up with a spectacular yo-yo effect. This is something you want to avoid. You can eat anything on a diet – as long as you eat in moderation and stick to a caloric deficit. 

8. Social media – one of today’s biggest motivators 

I’m sure you see a lot of influencers or people who are fascinated by the sports lifestyle. They show their transformation and workouts. Such people can also motivate you to take action. By their example, you can see that exercise and physical activity bring results, and if you persevere, you will also achieve such results. 

Maybe you can set up such an account on social media yourself? Then you’ll be even more motivated to add updates and share your progress with those who are watching. 

If that’s not for you, then join groups on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media where you can share your achievements and watch the doings of others. It will motivate you to take action! 

9. Motivation to lose weight – new delicious diet recipes

Look for new and tasty diet recipes on the Internet. Or maybe your friends are on a diet to lose weight? Ask them what recipes they can give you. 

Usually, diet foods are perceived badly and many people don’t even want to try them. Make something new to eat. Who knows, maybe such dishes will be even better than the ones you eat now. I guess there is no better motivator than good (and in this case, healthy) food. 

10. Not just running 

You can not only run. To lose weight, you can choose other sports: cycling, swimming, and dancing. The most important thing is that you spend good and productive time with the sport you enjoy. 

11. Reminders 

Don’t forget to train. To avoid this hang a plan on your fridge with your workout, download an app on your phone to remind you to work out, and add notifications on your phone. any option is good to remind yourself that it’s time for a healthy meal, strengthening exercises, or running. 

12. Think about what you will do when you lose weight 

Make a list of things you will do once you have a great figure and lose weight. Pursue your goal so that in the future you will be able to go to the beach in a bathing suit without embarrassment or walk in the mountains without getting out of breath.

Remember, the most important thing is that you feel good in your body. Get motivated, put on comfortable shoes, and sportswear, and start training today!

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