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> Is it worth it to run on a treadmill? 11 situation when it is a perfect choice

Is it worth it to run on a treadmill? 11 situation when it is a perfect choice

Publish date 12.12.2022

You can read it in 7 minut

when to run on treadmill

Are you a fan of long outdoor runs? Do you want to finally get out of the house, or just take a breather after a long day at the office? Great! 

However, there are times when you can’t afford to run outdoors. Then there is only one way out. It’s time to start the treadmill. If you are a runner, it’s worth investing in one, and if you have enough space at home then put it in one of your rooms. Is a treadmill worth it? I am about to present you with 9 situations that will surely convince you that a treadmill is not so terrible after all and that sometimes it is worth using it. 

When to run on a treadmill? Is a treadmill worth it? 

1. When the weather is bad outside 

You know how it is, in the morning it is beautiful sunny weather, you come back from work and it starts pouring. You definitely won’t go jogging in such conditions. The same when it’s snowing heavily, there’s a thunderstorm, or a strong wind. In such conditions, probably even the biggest running enthusiasts decide to stay at home and let the training go. 

However, you don’t have to take a break from training if you have a treadmill. Then, when the weather outside is terrible, just dress in appropriate sports clothes, turn on the device, choose the right pace and start your workout. You can also turn on music to make your workout more enjoyable. In addition, the right music will help you maintain your running pace. 

Abandon the thought of getting wet, getting dirty, and coming back frozen. Choose to run on a treadmill, and then you won’t have to dry your clothes and clean your shoes. 

2. When the day is short 

Winter – most people are not fond of this season. Despite the beautiful snow and the holiday season, there is nothing to enjoy. It is cold outside and there is very little sunlight. You get up for work – it’s dark, you come back from work – it’s dark.

Running in the dark can be dangerous. You can be attacked by someone, miss an obstacle in the road and fall over, or step in a puddle. 

These fears sometimes inhibit runners from running in the winter. Therefore, to get rid of them and continue to exercise, choose a treadmill. Then you will be able to run no matter if it is dark outside or the sun is still shining. Any hour will be fine, you won’t have to worry about it. 

3. Heat and cold weather 

We live in a time when the weather is often crazy. Especially in the summer and winter. Summer temperatures reach inhuman results, and in winter it gets to very cold temperatures when you don’t even want to get out from under the blanket, let alone go outside to run.

Even if you are a persistent runner, sometimes it’s better to let go and choose the gym or run on a treadmill at home. If you decide to run in the great heat you are sure to dehydrate quickly, you could pass out and even get heat stroke. In the great cold, your limbs won’t work very well, there will be a greater chance of injury, and you may also freeze out. 

Therefore, when there are such extreme conditions outside, it is better to choose a treadmill. On hot days, you can additionally turn on a fan to cool the room you are running in. 

4. Poor outdoor air quality – smog 

Going outside, you can immediately feel that something is hanging in the air. That something is smog. It appears especially in big cities. However, it also appears in the countryside. That’s why it’s best to check the air quality before going out for a run. If it exceeds 200% of the norm, it’s better to postpone training. 

Did you know that you need about 15 times more air when running? Now imagine how much pollution and harmful dust you will inhale in your body while training. Even breathing through your nose won’t do much here. 

How does smog affect your body?

  • It reduces the volume of the lungs, 
  • Chest pains may occur, 
  • Dizziness and headaches. 
  • Respiratory infections. 

Therefore, when the air quality is very bad, choose to train on a treadmill. Certainly, this option of physical activity will be better for your health. 

Is a treadmill worth it - when the weather is bad

5. Winter – you don’t have running shoes or non-slip overlays 

In winter it’s not hard to get injured if you’re careless or don’t have the right footwear. If you don’t want to buy it or winter has arrived unexpectedly and you are unprepared, choose to run on a treadmill.  

Wait for your purchased footwear to reach you or for better weather conditions. 

6. Living in the city center 

If you live in the city center, it’s probably hard to find a park or other green area where you can jog in peace. Of course, there are sidewalks and other paths, but there are usually a lot of people there, who are in a hurry for work or transportation. In such places, it is difficult to relax. Noises, horns, and loud conversations can make you even more nervous. 

In such places, it is much easier to find a gym and go on a treadmill. Alternatively, you can purchase one for your home. 

7. When you feel weakened 

When you feel worse than usual, it’s always better to stay at home and choose the treadmill instead of normal outdoor running. 

After an illness, start with light treadmill workouts first and get ready to go outside. The same if you are on your period. You can always feel worse on the trail. You may be far from home, no one is around, nowhere to help. 

Therefore, it is better to stay at home. If you feel weak, you can get off the treadmill at any time and lie down on the couch, rest for a while and return to training or stop training altogether. 

8. When you need to take care of your child 

Being a parent is not easy. Especially at the very beginning of your adventure in parenthood, it can be extremely difficult. It is then hard to reconcile your life, taking care of the baby and still running. During this period, the child and his health and safety is the most important thing. Moreover, it is hardest for a mother to leave the house to go to the gym or even run in the park. 

Therefore, if you are a parent and have no one to leave your child with, try a treadmill. It will allow you to exercise in the comfort of your home. Nearby, you can spread toys on the carpet for your child to play with. Then you will always keep an eye on them. What’s more, if you put them to sleep, you’re sure to hear them cry when they wake up. 

A treadmill is a great way for young parents to continue to stay active. What’s more, young mothers will be able to get back to their pre-pregnancy physical condition faster thanks to this sports equipment. 

Is a treadmill worth it

Treadmill – the ideal machine for specific workouts 

1. Long run-ups 

Workouts can be different, it is worthwhile to vary them so that they do not get boring. Sometimes you may plan to practice long uphill runs. Then it is difficult to find a high mountain on which you can train. Most often you can find small mountains or just a flat surface. 

In this case, a treadmill comes to your aid. It has an incline option, that is, you can set it at the right angle. Then you will feel as if you are running uphill all the time. You don’t have to worry that the road is about to end. 

What are the positive effects of running uphill? 

  • increasing running strength, 
  • better running economy, 
  • will help reduce the energy expended over long distances,
  • helps train muscles, 
  • engages more muscles, tendons, and fibers to work.

Therefore, go to the gym and try your strength on the treadmill. It will bring good results. 

How to set the right incline on a treadmill? I’m already telling you!

  • 0% – will be perfect if you want to train in endurance running and improve your running technique. With the lack of impediment, you can fully focus on your training. 
  • 0.5%-1.5% – this incline will be perfect for simulating running on flat terrain.
  • 5% – a good slope for mapping uphill runs.
  • 9-10% – this slope is good if you want to do high mountain training, i.e. running on a steep slope. 

2. When you’re recovering from an injury

If you’re getting ready to get back on the running trails after an injury, it’s best to start on the treadmill. Why?

  • The surface you run on will be flat and stable, 
  • Soft surface, 
  • Less strain on your bones, joints, and muscles, 

This will slowly start your return to form and to running outdoors. Even if you’re not fond of the treadmill, it’s better to grit your teeth and do some training on it. 

3. Want to maintain pace while running 

Do you have trouble keeping an even pace during your workout? If so, a good solution would be a treadmill. On this device, you can set the right pace. Once you start running then you have no way to slow down. You have to run at an even pace to keep up with the speeding tape. You can decrease or increase the pace by changing the settings on the treadmill.

A treadmill is also ideal if you want to train intervals. You can change the pace of your run with a park of clicks. Even if you are tired you will give 100% to complete your workout.

Is a treadmill worth it? YES! As you can see you can use the treadmill when you have no time to run, the weather is bad, or when you live in the city center. What is more, you can do specific training on this machine. 

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