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> How many calories does running burn? – find out! 

How many calories does running burn? – find out! 

Publish date 03.03.2023

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Burning calories when running

Now, many people want to get a beautiful and slim figure. They want to burn calories and finally feel good about their bodies. However, to do this they need restriction of certain ingredients, proper diet and…. physical activity. The most popular sport for people who want to burn calories is running. 

Today we will discover the truth. I will show you how many calories you burn during your workouts. Will running help you lose pounds and achieve your ideal figure? How many calories do you burn running? Read on to find out. 

How many calories do you burn running? 

The most common assumption is that you burn about 500 kcal during a 60-minute run. Is that a lot? For some, it probably is, while others will say it’s a poor result. To illustrate it to you better, 500 kcal can be found in 100g of popcorn, 10 Oreo cookies, or 100g of crackers. 

In 30 minutes of continuous training, you will burn about 250 kcal. This is logical, compared to the previous number of calories burned. 

These are the numbers that are considered an “average.” However, it is important to keep in mind that the number of calories burned during one half-hour or hour-long workout can vary greatly. Even the person you are running with may already burn fewer or more calories than you. 

What does it depend on? Why is the number of calories burned while running so uneven? Read on to find out. 

What determines how many calories you burn? 

Many factors affect how many calories you burn in 30 or 60 minutes. Some are up to you, and others are simply out of your control. Get to know them.

  • Running pace – one of the primary factors in how many calories you will burn during a workout is the pace at which you run. The rule is simple, the faster you run, the more calories you will burn within a certain amount of time. However, this kind of sprint running is not for everyone, and you will certainly get tired faster. If you run at a fast pace, even during a 40-minute run, you can burn 500 kcal. 
  • Weight – another factor is your weight. If you have more body, you will burn more in less time than your skinny friend who runs at the same pace as you. 
  • The surface you run on – you will burn more calories by choosing more difficult and steeper surfaces. Running on sand will also make you burn more calories. All because you have to use more energy and put more effort into the training to keep running forward.
  • Thyroid hormones – the hormones affect energy expenditure. They make you lose weight. It’s worth getting them tested because you may have a thyroid problem without even knowing it. 
  • Your commitment – just because you run for 30 minutes doesn’t mean you will burn 250 kcal. If you’re barely moving your legs or dragging one leg behind the other, you’re not likely to get a high amount of calories burned while running. 
  • Technique – is also important, you need to put your feet properly, but also do not forget about the movement of your arms. Engage them during your workout. Thanks to this you will burn even more calories! 
  • Weather – yes, even this factor is important. I wrote earlier that some things are beyond your control. You are running and suddenly it starts to blow hard or it starts to rain. You will burn a little more calories in such conditions because you have to put more strength into overcoming bad weather conditions. However, remember not to go out for a workout specifically when the weather is bad outside. It’s better to run in good conditions than to lie sick in bed for 2 weeks afterward.

As you can see, many factors affect how you manage and how many calories you will burn during your workout. The more you give yourself during training, the more you will succeed in burning more calories. 

Running and burning calories
How many calories you will burn? It depends on your weight.

How to calculate the calories burned during training? 

The amount of calories that you will burn during training is hard to calculate yourself. After all, there is no automatic calculator of calories burned in your head. It is difficult to determine. That’s why it’s a good idea to get some gadgets that will help you find out how you did during your run.

Smartphone with a running app 

There are many running apps. You can choose the one that suits you best. One is geared toward workouts, the other towards helping others, and others towards survival gameplay. All apps count the number of calories burned. However, do they count them well? Unfortunately, no. The apps do not give an adequate number of calories burned while running. The app can only estimate what the result might be. You should always take them with a grain of salt. But it’s better than nothing. 


Another option is a little better than the app itself, but it also won’t count the calories you burned while running as accurately. Running watches that have a heart rate monitor function will work well. However, even if you choose the best models from Garmin, Polar, or Suunto, you can’t count on an accurate measurement of calories burned. 


If the weather outside is awful, or you’re feeling unwell, then you can take advantage of the home version of a running workout, which is to use a treadmill. This device, too, can count the calories you burned during your workout. But will they be accurate? No, the situation is the same as with a running watch or app. However, it is better to have an approximate result than not to have one at all and don’t have any idea how many calories you burned during running. 

Use the online calories burned calculator 

If you don’t have any of this equipment, then you can use the calories burned calculator, which you can find easily online.

However, you’ll need to have some data to collect after your workout. This is the distance you covered and the time.

In addition, you also enter your weight. These three numbers will help you calculate how many calories (more or less) you burned while running.

Summary: You cannot accurately determine your caloric expenditure at home. You need to treat all the equipment only as “help”. However, it is better to know more or less how many calories you have burned to have, to a certain extent, more satisfaction from your training.

How many calories during running you will burn
Use some kind of measuring to know how many calories you burned.

How many calories does running burn when you are starting to sweat? 

Some people think that if you start sweating, you will burn more calories while running. I have to tell you that this is not true. You can produce a lot of sweat during training – meaning minerals and water, but it won’t do anything. However, if you do, be sure to hydrate your body properly. You don’t want to pass out while running. 

Sweat is just a sign of a good and exhausting workout. Did you sweat a lot while running? That means the workout was exhausting and you certainly burned a fair amount of calories thanks to it.

It is simple to say that the cause of weight loss is not sweating. It’s just a sign that you’re exercising hard and that these exercises will get you burning excess body fat. Don’t be fooled by what others say. It does not contribute to better fat loss.

Sweating = you got tired and trained hard = you burned calories 

Fasting running – does it burn calories? 

As much as running after eating. What’s important for fat loss is your all-day caloric supply, not whether you’ve provided calories before weight-loss training.

There is also the case when a runner without having eaten breakfast beforehand can burn fewer calories. Our bodies are strange sometimes. 

How to burn more calories while running – is it possible?

Is it possible to burn more calories during a workout? It is possible if you choose interval training – that is, running at different paces. However, do not undertake such running if you are a beginner runner. It is an extremely tiring and demanding workout. During such a workout you can burn up to 500 kcal in only 30 minutes of training. 

REMEMBER: if you are an experienced runner, your longest interval training can be 30 minutes – no more. Beginners max 10 minutes. This is an extremely hard and demanding workout that puts a lot of strain on the nervous system and the whole body.

If you are a beginner then lengthen your workouts day by day and increase their intensity. Do it prudently, however, so that you don’t get overtired and so that you don’t get injured. The rule is that you can increase your workouts by a maximum of 10% per week.

Burning calories during run - interval training
If you are new to running, then start with max. 10 minutes interval training.

Burning calories – running vs other sports 

Is running a good sport when you want to burn calories? Yes, it is a good option. There is no doubt that there will be sports that can burn more calories, but running is ideal for everyone and you can do this physical activity without much preparation and without buying equipment. I will give you an idea of what calorie burning looks like when you train in other sports. Of course, you need to keep in mind what I wrote earlier. The number of calories depends on how intensively and correctly you exercise.

All calculated calories are for 1 hour of training.

  • RUNNING – 500 kcal 
  • CYCLING – 450 kcal 
  • SWIMMING – 500 kcal 
  • ROLLER-BLADING – 700 kcal 

Some sports will make you burn more calories during an intense workout, but running can be practiced anywhere you want. You don’t have to look for a suitable place or buy equipment. You can buy accessories or a better outfit if you decide to do this physical activity.

How many calories does running burn? Now you know. However, you must remember that the amount will not always be the same, even if the distance is the same as the previous day. It all depends on the various conditions I mentioned earlier. Try to run as much as you can during your workouts, and you will see after some time the results of your efforts and hard work on your figure and better mood. Good luck and don’t give up easily!

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