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> Good 10k running time – amateur time

Good 10k running time – amateur time

Publish date 02.11.2022

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Running time - 10k

Most runners, when training, focus on distance – that is, how much they will run. You probably do, too. You want to extend the length of your run. Maybe you want to take part in some competitions? Everyone has different goals. 

However, in running it’s not just the distance that matters, but also the time. If you’ve already been running for a few months your fitness is good, you can easily run an hour, maybe it’s time to turn up the pace? Good 10k time for an amateur – read and find out! 

10k running time for an amateur – why is it crucial? 

The 10k distance is a test for a runner who does not run professionally and is an amateur in this field. It is a test not only physically, but also mentally. It is here that you may encounter various obstacles e.g. you may get a stitch, get out of breath and who knows, you may have to stop running for a few minutes to rest. 

It is at such middle distances that you begin to learn how to manage your energy. You see when you should keep a steady pace and when you should speed up. 

If you are interested in more serious competitions, such as a marathon. Running a 10k will give you an estimate of how long it will take you to finish a marathon. 

If you want to get a good 10k time then you need to pay attention to your nutrition first and foremost. Before running a 10k, remember to provide your body with enough glycogen – this will give your body and especially your muscles energy. In addition, it’s a good idea to take a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated. 

Time 10k running - what is best for amateur

What time do you need to run a 10k race? 

Let me tell you right away that you can breathe a sigh of relief because… there is no limit. Any runner, who thinks they are capable of covering such a distance or just wants to test themselves, can sign up. 

Remember, it doesn’t matter what place you will get in the race. Do it for yourself! See if you can run the entire distance. If you end up being comfortable running the whole 10k, then try to improve your time. Who knows, maybe one day you will get a gold medal? 

Good 10k time for an amateur – the beginning 

What is a good 10k time for an amateur? At the very beginning, it will take you more than an hour to reach 10k. If you are in very good shape you may be able to beat one hour and go below. 

However, how long it will take you to run such a distance depends on your body and fitness predisposition. I recently came across a forum where amateur/beginner runners shared their time records for this distance. The results varied: 1h 44m, 1h 20m, and 1h 11m. Even one runner boasted that he finished the event with a time of 53 minutes and wants to get a time of 45 minutes during his next run! Amazing! 

Therefore, as you can see, it all depends on you. Of course, many runners want to break the magic barrier of 50 minutes. However, to do that you need to exercise, remember to have a proper diet, additional exercises, and, of course, recovery! 

However, it should be clear that, if you are taking part in a 10k run for the first time it doesn’t matter what your time will be. If you are a person who loves to complete this sentence may not have appealed to you. But it’s true! The important thing is to cover the distance and get to the finish line without stopping. Set this as a goal for yourself during your first 10k run.

Good 10k time vs bad 10k time 

First of all – there is no such thing as a bad time during a 10k run. Every runner runs at their own pace, for some, it’s the time that counts, and the goal for others is to get to the finish line. Therefore, don’t worry so much about your time at the very beginning. You will gain more practice then your time will surely improve! 

Therefore, the term “good 10k time” is a concept that can mean something different for every runner. If you run the distance in 1h 20m and get 1h 05m in the next one then that will be a good time for you. Everyone is happy to improve on an earlier result. 

However, if you want to talk about a good time in general, then you should say that it is 40 minutes. Are you just doing the calculations in your head? It’s 1km for 4 minutes. It can be done! 

Don’t try to do it at any cost. The pace of your running increases gradually during training. If you do it too fast it will just… you will be panting and you will have to finish the run much earlier. 

Time for amateur- 10k running time

How to improve your 10k running time

You certainly don’t want to be in the same place when it comes to your 10km running time. What should you do to make your 10k distance time improve? Here are some tips! 

  • Shoes – proper and comfortable training shoes are the key. They must have good cushioning and extra foam to protect your joints, which are subject to strain during running. 
  • Energy management – how to do it? Incorporate runs of different paces into your workouts – interval, fartlek, sub-runs.
  • Turns – you may be surprised, but it’s on turns that you lose precious seconds that add up to your time. When you approach a kink in the course, zoom inwards and try not to slow down.
  • Complementary training – running is not enough. Strengthen other parts of your body, such as your thighs, calves, and arms. Increase the strength of your muscles and get a better and good time for the 10k. 
  • Ask for help from a coach – such a person will help you put together a good training plan. Tell you what, when, and how to exercise. This way you will improve your time on your next run! 

10km running time – world records

I mentioned earlier that if you go below 40-50 minutes, the result is good. 

And what does it look like for the professionals? 

As far as the men are concerned, the fastest 10k distance was run by Joshua Cheptegei, from Uganda. He covered the route in 26:11.00 minutes! Isn’t that a fantastic achievement?

And what about the women? The fastest 10k route was run by Letesenbet Gidey, from Ethiopia. Her time was 29:01.03 minutes. Such results can only be achieved with hard work, sacrifices, and training. 

Now you know what a good time is for an amateur. A time under 50 minutes will be good, and under 40 is already very good. However, let’s be honest. Not everyone is going to achieve that result right away. Any shorter time over this distance is already something to be proud of. Work on your speed, fitness, and endurance. 

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