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> Galloway method – what is it? 

Galloway method – what is it? 

Publish date 31.03.2023

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Galloway metod for running

“Galloway method.” You’re probably thinking that this is some other complicated running technique that you’ll have to get used to and learn. It’ll surprise you, because no! It’s a trivially simple running method that anyone can incorporate into their training. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner runner or have been doing this physical activity for a longer time. 

From this article, you will learn what this method is about and what you can achieve by adding it to your routine. Find out if it is worth using the Galloway running method.

Jeff Galloway – creator of the method 

I won’t start by describing what the method is all about. We’ll start with a couple of sentences, about the man who created the method that helps many runners beat the marathon. 

Jeff Galloway was born on July 12, 1945, in the USA, North Carolina. He has associated his life in particular with running. He has been getting good results at many distances since high school. 

In 1972, he ran in the Olympics at a distance of 10 kilometers. A year later, he set an American record in a 10-mile run. Impressive, isn’t it? He completed his run in a time of 47 minutes and 49 seconds. 

It should also be mentioned that he won a gold medal at the 1974 Honolulu Marathon at a distance of 26.2 miles. Jeff Galloway ran this distance in 2 hours and 23 minutes and 2 seconds!

Despite his age, he has not completely retired from running. Of course, he no longer runs professionally, but he continues to be connected with the world of sports. He is the CEO of Galloway Productions. This company is involved in running various training programs. What’s more, Galloway also owns two stores for runners. 

Jeff Galloway has worked with more than 300,000 runners around the world – regardless of age or ability. He is recognized as the runner who changed long-distance running with his actions, the creation of the run-walk-run method. He shares his experience not only at various lectures or at his company. He has written books that will help you get acquainted with his running method and learn its secrets.

What is the Galloway running method? 

Even if you don’t know what this method is, you may have heard the word – “Galloway”. All because it’s a very popular method practiced by runners all over the world – whether you’re a pro or a beginner. 

“Okay, so what is this method? What is it based on?”

It is a method based on marching. Do you have a lot of energy? Great! Run Forest, run! Are you starting to feel tired and can’t run any further? Switch from running to marching. When you regain your strength, run again – such a change of pace, which depends on your condition, you do until you reach the finish line. Simple isn’t it? However, it is important to take “breaks” at equal intervals, such as 3 minutes of running and 1 minute of brisk walking.

There is nothing complicated about it. What’s more, with this method you will be able to enjoy running even more. After all, this sport is all about the release of endorphins and joy. You can’t get tired and almost fall on the asphalt because you have to run at an equal pace to the end. No! By choosing the Galloway method you will focus on improving your condition, but in an enjoyable way.

How does the Galloway running method work? 

“What will it do for me to slow down when I have no strength and speed up when I regain it?”

This is a method that is used primarily for long distances because that is where the person who knows how to manage his strength well wins.

Interspersing running and walking allows you to spread out fatigue. Switching to walking, you will certainly be overtaken by a few or a dozen runners. However, don’t worry about it. On the rest of the run, they will lose the energy and strength to continue running fast, and you will easily overtake them, thanks to the Galloway method. 

Remember not to worry about the fact that others are running faster and overtaking you. You will still catch up to them but in your own time. Just don’t think that you will get ahead of the professional runners. Here, I am talking about beginners – like you! If you want to face the pros, you need to switch to a higher level of training.

When choosing this method, you must remember to intersperse running and walking at equal intervals. Moreover, introduce the marching stage into your running from the very beginning. Many people do so, marching only when they no longer have the strength to continue running. This is not the way. 

For whom will the Galloway method be ideal?

For whom will the Jeff Galloway method be particularly helpful? For people who are just starting their running adventure and want to prepare in a short time for a marathon. However, not only! Even if you have a lot of time, you can use this method. 

At a marathon, you need to run a double-digit number of miles, but after X miles you no longer have the strength. Try the Galloway method and complete your first marathon. Even if you don’t run in the first 40 – 50 you can still feel great satisfaction because you have completed a marathon! WOW! 

Remember not to overtire yourself!

In everything you need to know moderation – in this method also. I mentioned earlier that Jeff Galloway has written several books on his method of running. In them, he describes that you need to know moderation when it comes to training. He also stresses that proper recovery after training is very important. It is better to take a day off than to lead to injury. What’s more, if you run tired, the workout does not have the desired effect, and you will be further discouraged from continuing your running adventure. 

Jeff Galloway method
Star running with your friends. It will be even more fun!

For whom will the Galloway method not be suitable?

The Jeff Galloway method will make any changes to athletes who are already experienced in long-distance running. There are no intervals or run-ups, which are often in the training plan of an experienced athlete. Galloway focuses on running at one’s own pace, without challenging oneself more. As we know advanced long-distance runners certainly want to challenge themselves, to get better every day. 

This method is not about running to first place. It’s about running to the finish line, your place doesn’t matter. This is important for beginners who want to try a competition with a long distance. Professionals will certainly not be satisfied with such results.

Run/Walk Calculator

If you are not sure how to calculate the ideal ratio of running to walking, you can use the Galloway calculator. Your result will depend on your running and walking pace and time. This will give you an idea of your approximate time during competitions. 

All you have to do is enter the pace and time of the walk and run you plan to keep on the route and… that’s it. You will get the time in which you will cover the given distance during the competition.

That’s all I have to share with you today about the Galloway running method. If you are a beginner then you will like this type of training. Professionals already rather avoid it. Enjoy running, run a marathon, and make it to the end, thanks to the Jeff Galloway method of running.

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