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> Daniels running formula – what is it? 

Daniels running formula – what is it? 

Publish date 04.11.2022

You can read it in 6 minut

Jack Daniels running method

Have you ever heard of Daniels’ running formula? If you are a runner, I can tell you that it is worth giving it a chance. However, it is not such a simple formula because it is the result of many years of work. It is well presented in a book called Daniels’ running formula. I can tell you right away that if you want to learn exactly how to put this method into practice, you will have to go to the library or order this book online. 

In this article, I’ll tell you who the man who created this running method is, who it’s for, and the basic principles behind it. Are you curious? Read on. Enjoy your reading! 

Jack Daniel – who is it? 

If you are involved in the world of sports, you have probably already heard of this man. He is one of the most famous people when it comes to running. He was born in 1933 in America. He is best known as a modern pentathlete and a running coach. He even won 2 Olympic medals. He is referred to as the “World’s best coach”. 

He is a coach who has had a huge impact on the entire running world. He has coached many sports stars. It is also no wonder that thanks to his many years of experience, he has published a guide that is relished by runners all over the world. What’s more, it is a book for everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or an amateur who only runs recreationally – the advice is sure to allow you to develop deeply. 

Jack Daniels Running Formula

“OK, but what is the Jack Daniels running formula?”

Thanks to Jack Daniel’s years of research and experience, he has developed a formula – VDOT – the amount of oxygen you consume during a minute of running. 

VDOT is a very useful formula for any runner as it tells you how much you can achieve based on your current condition. This allows you to create your training in that way, so you can improve your fatigue after a certain amount of time. With this, you will know exactly how much to train and you will avoid the overtraining that most often affects beginner athletes. However, this also applies to professionals, who want to be prepared for competitions and get better results. 

The official calculator with which you can calculate your VDOT can be found on the official website: Use it and adapt your training to your fatigue. 

Jack Daniels running formula – how do I use the calculator?

It is extremely simple. It’s just typing in a few numbers so that after a few seconds you have the result: 

  • select a distance – what distance are you running? 5k, 10k, or maybe a marathon? Select the appropriate option from the fly-out bar. Don’t worry if you can’t manage to run that much yet. There’s an option where you can enter the distance you’ve run recently. The option to select a unit – miles or kilometers – is also a convenience. 
  • End time – here you probably don’t need much explaining. Do you remember how much time it took you to run the distance you selected in the box earlier? Enter the number! 
  • Running pace – this is where a watch will come in handy, allowing you to see during your run what pace you are running at. This is an important element as it is the only way the calculator will do an accurate calculation. 

Once you have entered all this data, all you have to do is press the blue button – Calculate. 

Daniels running formula – calculator results 

As soon as you click, next to the calculator in the top right corner you will see your VDOT. In this case, the higher the VTOD the better.

However, this result is not everything. Go a little lower and you will see an interesting table and three tabs. By clicking on the Equivalent tab you can see how long it would take you to run other distances if you started them with the condition you are in right now. This is very interesting. This allows you to compare it with other results and see how to improve your performance. 

Example: Suppose it takes our runner 1h to run 10k. He runs at a pace of 6.00 miles. In this case, his VDOT will be 58.3. Our runner is already experienced, so such a distance is not a big problem for him. 

Jack Daniels running formula – more accurate information 

Already calculated what your VDOT is? That’s good, now you can move on to the next step, which is to set up a training plan. On the page where you used the calculator, there is an option that you can even get a training plan, prepared by Jack Daniels! (Probably, as you can guess, this won’t be a free service). However, if you don’t want to do that, then you’ll need to tailor the workouts yourself and determine the intensity – that’s what this method is based on. 

Jack Daniels distinguishes between 5 training intensities:

  • steady and long run (60-79% HR)
  • marathon run (still steady, but faster, 80-85% HR)
  • threshold run (comfortable run, intense “within reason”, 82-88% HR)
  • interval (97-100% HR)
  • rhythms (as fast as you can)

From the tables, you can choose the right pace you need to run a certain distance at a certain time. Using the Daniels tables you will adapt your training plan to your chosen goal – from short distances to a marathon.

When using Jack Daniels’ calculator and tables, you must remember to adapt them to your current condition. The research that Daniels has carried out over many years is designed to help you get better and better. However, the point is also to protect you from overtraining. 

Does your training stop being challenging after a while? Don’t feel you are improving? Then enter your new data again into the calculator – modify and adapt your plan. 

Why include Jack Daniels running formula in your training? 

As I mentioned earlier, Daniels’ running formula is an effect of many years of research. Perhaps this is why its main feature is… simplicity. Note that you only need 3 simple pieces of data to calculate VTOD, preferably from your last training or competition. 

What’s more, it is based solely on your fitness. After all, the calculator doesn’t ask you for your age, gender or height. 

Believe me, this formula can transform your running. After all, Jack Daniel’s is extremely popular in the sporting world and praised by many athletes and experts. Buy or borrow his book and see for yourself how it will affect your running. 

Daniels running formula” – what interesting things do you find in the book?

“At first you said I should buy or borrow this guy’s book. However, I already have a calculator, do I need it?”

Of course, you do! The book is essentially a collection of training plans to help you improve. From among them, you can choose the right one that will fit perfectly with your pre-calculated VTOD. In the book you will also find:

  • Physiology of runners – a lot of knowledge on this subject in one place. Surely every runner should familiarize themselves with this section. 
  • You don’t want a coach – if you don’t want to hire a coach to guide your training, this book is a great alternative. It will guide you through your workouts and get you to the goal you want to achieve. 
  • Lots of knowledge for the more advanced runners – this book is for people who already run a bit. Why? Because it assumes 4 workouts per week. What’s more, it is often written in a complex style, so it can be harder for beginners to read. 
  • The role of different elements in running – from this book you will learn the role of intervals and proper running technique. 

Many people believe that this is one of the best books on running to help a runner improve their performance. One should not be surprised, after all, it is the life’s work of Jack Daniels. He spent many years researching and calculating to produce such an excellent book. 

Now you know what the Jack Daniels running formula is all about – adapting your training to your current form, using mathematical calculations. All you need to achieve your goal are calculations from a calculator, a proper plan, and… endurance in reaching your goal. Don’t give up! 

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