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> Running for a month – results. What to expect?

Running for a month – results. What to expect?

Publish date 18.01.2023

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Running for a month

Running is a simple and very effective way to get an amazing figure that you want to show. It’s also a great way to change your life and introduce healthy habits. Most people start running because they want to lose weight. 

In this article, together we will do a month running challenge. What does that mean? I’ll show you what results you’ll get after a month of running – how your figure and lifestyle will change, and what you need to do to complete it. 

Ok, let’s not waste time. Ready, set GO!

Running for a month – results – silhouette

I’ll say right away – don’t expect a radical change in your figure after only a month of exercise. Nevertheless, it can surprise you with the results – after the first 30 days of regular running (every two days, unless you feel soreness in your muscles, then postpone the training for another day) you will see results on your silhouette. 

What effects can you see after a month? 

  • loss of unnecessary fat – if you run regularly, plus take care of a good, healthy, and balanced diet, you can expect your weight to decrease by up to 5 km!
  • delicate muscle outlines – the muscles of a person who has not been engaged in sports respond instantly to physical activity. Therefore, you can expect lifted buttocks and a more beautiful abdomen. 
  • firming of the skin all over the body – does this mean that running eliminates cellulite? To a certain extent, yes, but keep in mind that it will not eliminate it. 

Such changes will certainly encourage you to continue your running adventure after a month. You’ll get in better and better shape, through which you’ll get less tired on distances that were difficult at first. After a few months of running, you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror with satisfaction and…head out to the stores to buy new clothes in a smaller size 😉 

What’s the best way to watch your progress? 

  • weigh yourself before and after running for a month – you will see how much weight you have managed to lose.
  • take a picture of yourself – then you can compare your silhouette before and after running for a month

With the naked eye, it can sometimes be difficult to observe the changes. However, if you have a “preview” of what you looked like 30 days earlier, you will see how much your efforts have been given. 

What about diet? 

Let’s face it, without a proper diet results are not guaranteed. If you don’t change your diet even for a month of training you won’t see any difference. 

That’s why you need to introduce good, balanced, and healthy meals into your life, which can regulate your weight and, with good calculations, lead to a caloric deficit. 

“Does this mean I have to stop eating sweets, treats, and fast food forever?”

No. However, you need to limit it a lot. No one is perfect, and for sure once in a while, your body will feel the need to eat a cake, donut, or fries. Don’t worry, with regular training you will burn off the calories you ate.

Running for a month – know your body 

Running will not only improve your appearance and shed pounds, but also you will get to know your body. Yes, it’s not a joke. 

While running you will feel: 

  • how your muscles work and how hard they can work (on your first workout you’re sure to feel pain or burning – don’t worry, it’s normal, after all, it’s the beginning) 
  • how well your brain controls your limbs and keeps them balanced even on uneven ground. 
  • what it means to breathe deeply, and how you feel when you start to run out of oxygen through fatigue
  • the wind in your hair
  • the joy of every step outdoors – your body will begin to produce the happiness hormone during physical activity, so you will forget about everyday problems, and be in closer contact with nature.

This will help you get to know your body but also love it. How many people there are who outright hate their bodies? Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and by getting to know your body from the sports side, you will see what a unique mechanism it is. Doing sports, you will see how much it has to work so that you are the one who can have satisfaction with your appearance and changes. 

Running for a month - stretching
Before every workout remember about warming-up and the beginning and stretching at the end of the training.

Month running challenge – fitness 

If you don’t do any sports and lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle, your fitness is not good. 

Do you have to run 0,3 miles to the bus stop, because you see your bus already coming, and are already out of breath? 

After just a month of running, your condition will improve significantly. At first, you shouldn’t worry about the fact that after a few hundred meters you will breathe hard, and your throat will start to hurt a little. This is natural – your body has to get used to the effort. From workout to workout, slowly, you will be able to run longer and longer distances without stopping to rest or switching from running to walking. 

To build fitness, for example, take the stairs instead of using the elevator to get to your floor. Better fitness also means greater muscle strength – so you’ll be able to carry heavy shopping bags with greater ease. Forget about the shortness of breath after just a month of physical activity. 

Food vs running and the happiness hormone 

“I feel sad, I have to cheer up”

What is your way to improve your mood? What is your way of doing so? Music, a movie, or maybe sweets? Many people just reach for sweets to improve their mood after a hard day full of problems. 

With running, you will stop reaching for sweets so often to improve your mood. When you run, your body produces happiness hormones – endorphins. Therefore, by going out for a jog you will be able to relax. In addition, you can listen to your favorite music, which will also improve your mood and make your workout more enjoyable. 

Running for a month – end your bad habits

Are you trying to quit smoking, but due to a huge amount of stress it doesn’t work out for you? Thanks to running, this can change. Instead of smoking a cigarette or using another stimulant such as alcohol, choose an outdoor activity.

The result? After a month, you will no longer reach for a cigarette or a glass of whiskey to relax or forget about your problems. You will put on comfortable sportswear and running shoes and improve your mood with an outdoor workout. 

Moreover, a month without nicotine = the lungs should be largely cleared of nicotine. This is another effect of running for a month, healthier lungs and less risk of dangerous diseases in the future. 

Monthly running and its impact on daily life

  • teaches regularity and self-discipline – train regularly and find the desire and motivation to go out to run even in unfavorable conditions. 
  • increases self-esteem – you feel you can do more! 
  • more confident in yourself and your body – through training you are more determined to achieve the various goals you have set for yourself. 
  • greater self-confidence – especially in dealing with other people. Many times a better physique makes you feel more confident, interact better with people and make new friends. 

Running for a month – what is relaxing to you? 

Reading a book under a blanket, watching a series on Netflix, lying in bed with a phone, and listening to music. These are the things you most often hear when you ask people how they relax. 

Maybe these are your leisure methods as well. However, after a month of regular training, this will change. You will want to get out of the house, your body will want to move a little. Therefore, to relax you will go outside and run. However, that’s not all, why not add other sports to your training plan? Cycling, swimming, and in winter skiing or skating. 

Who knows, maybe with your attitude you will inspire your family or friends to start a healthier and more active lifestyle. 

Running for a month - way of relax
With music you will relax even more during your training. Your mood will improve.

What to keep in mind when starting a month running challenge? 

Start calmly and slowly – at the very beginning, start with a slow jog. Run calmly, don’t rush. Then you’ll manage to run more time without getting out of breath, which is bound to happen. 

  • Remember to warm up – before each workout, warm up your body for about 10 minutes. This will make you better prepared for running and reduce the risk of injury. 
  • Remember to stretch – the end of your run does not mean the end of your workout. Do static exercises to reduce the risk of soreness the next day. 
  • Comfortable sports clothes – choose comfortable running shorts and a shirt made of stretchy and breathable material. 
  • Proper shoes – shoes are the basic equipment of any runner. They should have good cushioning for the foot, be made of breathable material, and be slightly larger than regular shoes (0,5-1 cm). Also, pay attention to the lug and sole. Match them to the terrain you will be running on. 

 How to stay motivated?

When you start your running adventure at the very beginning, the hardest thing is to get motivated. You want to lose weight, and change your life but you are just…too lazy to get up from the coach. What to do then? How do you motivate yourself? 

  • Buy a planner – this will allow you to organize your workouts for the week and stick to a schedule. 
  • Set a goal – think of one main goal that you want to achieve at the end of your training (e.g., lose 5 kg) and small goals that are easier to overcome (e.g., I will run 1 mile without stopping). Small goals can motivate you even more.
  • Buy a new set of sports clothing – choose sports shirts and shoes in your favorite color or pattern. This will make you eager to put them on and exercise in them. 
  • Reward after training – think about what can motivate you. After training: watch an episode of a new series, take the heat of the comp, drink tea and read a book. This is an ideal form of training incentive. 

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