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> Leg massage – how should a runner take care of their legs? Find out!

Leg massage – how should a runner take care of their legs? Find out!

Publish date 16.05.2023

You can read it in 9 minut

Leg massage for runners

A long day spent at work, then training… you could use a good recovery. As a runner, you certainly think a lot about regenerating your legs, which have to work very hard during running – you probably want to strengthen them so you can perform even better. 

You must remember that not only training is important but also recovery. One of the best forms of recovery for the legs will be a massage. You don’t have to go to a masseuse to get one. You can massage your sore legs after training by yourself in the comfort of your home. 

What equipment will you need to perform it? How to massage your legs? Keep reading to learn more! Here we go!

Leg massage - exercises
You can do it at home!

Advantages of leg massaging – why perform it? 

Some people won’t start massaging their legs unless they know good arguments and advantages. 

“Massaging legs is just a waste of time, what could be good about this?”

A lot. Not only does it have positive effects for the runner, but also for your health and body in general.

Advantages for the runner:

  • relaxes tight muscles – with a massage you will get rid of cramps that can “attack” at any moment, especially after an intense workout. If you’ve been running a bit, you know that after a workout your muscles are contracted and it’s a good idea to massage and stretch them. With a leg massage, your muscles will recover faster. Why? Because more blood flows to the tissues. 
  • get rid of swelling – through massage the lymph will start to flow freely towards the lymph nodes. This will help you get rid of swelling after workouts faster. Perform legs massage 2-3 times a week to bring the expected results.
  • prevents ankle and foot injuries – helps muscle recovery and relieves joint pain. Moreover, by choosing the right exercises and massage techniques, you will strengthen your ankles and feet. You will prevent injuries.
  • makes the muscular system as well as the skeletal system in better shape. 

General advantages (good for a runner too):

  • relaxes – Perfect after a long day at work and performing many stressful tasks and chores.
  • improves circulation – just 15 minutes of massage before bedtime is enough to make the blood flow better through the blood vessels. 
  • nullifies headaches – massage is a time to relax, so you can finally let go, which will make you nullify headaches. Remember, however, that people react differently to this form of migraine management. It will help some and not others. 
  • reduces muscle tension – so you have more energy for the rest of the day.

Will a leg massage for runners definitely help me?

There is no guarantee. As I mentioned earlier – one person will feel great results, and another will only feel good, and it will not be a great change. Nonetheless, it is worth spending even a few minutes to get such a massage. It is worth testing different methods and ways. Especially if you want to deal with sore muscles after a workout. 

When should you NOT DO a leg massage? 

There are some contraindications for you to do a massage. What are they? 

  • swollen area, 
  • severe pain, 
  • damaged skin
  • suspected injury after training.
  • varicose veins, 
  • water retention. 

With such problems, you need to go to a physiotherapist or a doctor who can help you with your condition.

Leg massage at home vs. at a specialist 

There are many types of leg massage for runners. This article will look at simple methods and exercises that you can do yourself at home. You will need your own hands for this, or a small piece of equipment, which you can even have at home already! 

As you can guess, such a massage will not be as effective as one performed by a specialist, but it will certainly help you relax and additionally provide good recovery after training. Do not perform complicated massage techniques yourself. Such activity requires knowledge and experience. You certainly don’t want to damage tissues during a massage. Therefore, choose easy exercises and techniques.

If you really want a good and decent massage, then find a good offer on the Internet and get a masseur to “give you a wedgie.” 😉

What equipment for a foot massage at home?

Earlier I mentioned that it’s a good idea to get equipment that will allow you to perform the massage even better. Sometimes hands are not enough. 

It is worth stocking up on:

  • tennis balls, 
  • rubber balls with spikes, 
  • muscle rollers of equal size, 
  • massage rollers, 
  • foam roller,
  • a special massage gun for athletes. 

These are your accessories. At the specialists, you’re sure to find even more, plus you’ll see professional equipment that helps you get a deep massage. You can get this kind of massage at the end of the running season or after a long and hard race. Take care of your body and give yourself a moment of relaxation and full recovery.

Leg massage with a gun massager
Use a special equipment for better results.

Self-massage of legs at home – what should you remember before you start?

You can’t start massaging your legs right away. Beforehand, you need to do some important things that will make the massage really enjoyable and also effective. 

  • It is best to perform a leg massage after a workout – are you wondering why? The muscles are still warmed up and so you can feel relief faster. If you want to perform a massage at another time, first make sure they are sufficiently warmed up and then massage the selected body part for about 10 minutes. 
  • Lubricate your legs – choose an oil or water-based emulsion. This will make your movements better and smoother. 

What to pay attention to when massaging?

First of all, the movements you make. Massage should not cause you pain, so you need to be sensitive when you decide to massage yourself. If the muscle is very sore and hurts when you touch it, then give up massaging, as you may only make it worse. 

When you massage with additional accessories, use your hand to check how the muscles respond. Before you start, carefully touch the part to be massaged – can you feel how tight it is? Start massaging and every 1-2 minutes check with your hand if the tension has let go. 

Leg massage at home – individual parts


Leg massage with roller
Roller will help you to massage your tights!

Tights work very hard and intensively during running training. Therefore, you need to take care of them. Doing only strengthening exercises may not be enough. You also need to help them recover after training and give them a massage to relax the muscles and speed up their recovery. 

What equipment will be useful for massaging this body part? Foam or massage roller.

How to massage the thigh muscles? 

  • put the roller on the floor and sit comfortably, 
  • rest the back of your thigh on the roller,
  • support yourself with your hands and slightly lift your buttocks so that your body slightly hangs above the floor, 
  • then move your body forward and backward.

Perform the same action while lying on your side – first on the left side, then on the right. Do not forget the front part of the thigh. To perform this massage, do forward support and massage with a roller or roller.

Front thigh massage with your hands – when the muscles relax

Correctly carried out massage should start from the ankle joint, then move up to the groin, ankle joint, and buttock. While doing this, you need to make the right movements:

  • passive touch, 
  • compression, 
  • stroking, 
  • kneading.


Roller - calves massage
Do not forget massage your calves.

Next on our list are the calves. You need to massage them thoroughly, too, if you want to feel relief in your legs and regenerate them. 

To perform this massage you will need – a large and mini roller. 

If you feel tension in your calves, in the area of the Achilles tendon, then use a small roller and:

  • sit on the floor, 
  • put the mini roller under the tendon, 
  • move your leg back and forth.

How to use the large roller?

  • Sit on the floor.
  • Place the roller in the middle of your calf.
  • Bend your other leg, and support yourself with your hands at the back.
  • Rest your body weight on the roller.
  • Using your hands, push off to move the roller along the muscle.
  • Turn your foot slightly as you roll 
  • In support, roll out the front of your calf.

Massage calves with your hands

  1. Sit on the floor, support yourself with your hands at the back, and bend your leg at the knee – put your foot on a rolled towel or a bottle. 
  2. Then start massaging the calf with your thumbs from the inside to the outside. 
  3. Place the foot on the ground and wrap your hands around the calf. Begin rubbing slowly up to the knees. 
  4. Using your fingertips, massage your calves in a circular motion from the bottom up. 
  5. To relax the muscle further and finish the massage on one calf, shake it lightly with your hand. Perform the same steps on the other calf. 

Remember to never massage along the Achilles tendon. Why? This tactic can cause inflammation.

Get a massage and give your calves flexibility. This will help you feel more comfortable while running.


Feet massage with a roller
Feet also need some massage after the training.

You can massage your feet with the accessories I mentioned earlier. 

  • Tennis balls – will relax the muscles that are strained after running. A smooth and hard surface will make this easier. 
  • A rubber ball with spikes.
  • A roller.
  • Wooden massage roller.

How to perform the massage is very simple. Just put an object under your bare foot and gently run your foot up and down over it for a few minutes.

You can also massage your feet with your hands 

  1. Lubricate the foot with cream, and oil – to make it better and easier to massage.
  2. Start massaging the toes from the largest to the smallest. 
  3. Then spread the sole of the foot (bottom of the foot) – massage from the toes to the heel. 
  4. The next step is to massage from the heel to the toes. 
  5. Don’t forget to massage the outside of the foot – massage in a circular motion, just like the sole of the foot.

Leg massage at a physiotherapist – when should you sign up?

Home massage is worth doing. At the very beginning of the article, I listed quite a few benefits. However, sometimes such an independent “treatment” may not be enough. Then you should make an appointment with a specialist – a massage therapist. Professional athletes need such professional massages the most. However, there are some cases in which even an amateur should benefit from a real massage. 

  • when you have problems with recovery – a professional massage will help you recover sore muscles faster. 
  • at the end of the season – when the running season is coming to an end, it is worth going to a masseur and thoroughly massaging your entire legs. 
  • after a difficult and demanding race – your first marathon? Was the race more difficult than you expected? Give your legs a reprieve and go for a massage. 
  • after an injury – when you return to running. 

A massage from a specialist certainly won’t hurt you. If you have any pains in your legs that bother you, let the person who will be performing the massage know about it in advance – they will avoid the area, or make such movements to help you – it all depends on the type and location of the pain and the diagnosis of the problem.

That’s it when it comes to leg massage at home. As you can see, it’s not that difficult and you can successfully perform it whenever you feel like it. Preferably after a workout, when your muscles are still warmed up. Go for a professional massage once in a while. Every runner should treat himself to such a pleasure once in a while.

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